Beloborodov, Aleksandr Georgievich
Beloborodov, Aleksandr Georgievich
Born Oct. 14 (26), 1891; died Feb. 9, 1938. Soviet statesman and Party figure. Became a member of the Communist Party in 1907. Born in Perm’ Province into a worker’s family. Electrician.
Beloborodov carried on Party work in the Urals and was subjected to repression. After the February Revolution of 1917, he became a member of the Lys’va soviet and committee of the RSDLP (Bolshevik), and in April, a member of the Ural Region Party Committee. He was a delegate to the Seventh (April) Conference and the Sixth Congress of the RSDLP (Bolshevik). In October 1917 he became a member of the Perm’ district Party committee. In 1917 he became a member, and, in January 1918, head of the Executive Committee of the Ural Region Soviet.
In July 1918, during a White Guard offensive on Ekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk), he signed the decision of the soviet on the execution of former tsar Nicholas II and his family. In April 1919 he became the authorized representative of the defense council to suppress the counterrevolutionary uprising on the Don. In July 1919 he became deputy chief of the political administration of the Revolutionary Military Council of the republic, a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Ninth Army, and a member of the Kuban’ revolutionary committee. In 1920, he did military and soviet work in the Caucasus. At the Eighth Party Congress, Beloborodov was chosen a member of the Central Committee, and at the Ninth, an alternate member of the Central Committee. From 1921 to 1923 he was deputy people’s commissar, and from 1923 to 1927, people’s commissar for internal affairs of the RSFSR.
In the mid-1920’s, Beloborodov sided with the Trotskyite opposition. He abandoned the opposition and, after 1930, worked in the system of the Committee of State Purchases of the USSR.