Acronym | Definition |
GIM➣Growth Is Madness (advocacy) |
GIM➣General Internal Medicine |
GIM➣Global Information Management |
GIM➣Group Identification Mark |
GIM➣Génie Industriel et Maintenance (French) |
GIM➣Gross Income Multiplier |
GIM➣Gesellschaft für Informationstechnik und Informationsmanagement |
GIM➣Generalized Information Management (data recovery system) |
GIM➣Goa Institute of Management (India) |
GIM➣Grosvenor Investment Management (London, UK) |
GIM➣Getupdated Internet Marketing |
GIM➣Gas Injection Molding (plastic processing) |
GIM➣General Information Meeting |
GIM➣Gaining Inventory Manager |
GIM➣Global Investment Meet |
GIM➣Global Islamic Media |
GIM➣Geneva Informal Meeting (International Youth Non-Governmental Organizations) |
GIM➣Group Information Manager |
GIM➣Global Ionospheric Map |
GIM➣Global Integration and Modeling |
GIM➣Group Interaction Modelling (predicts the engineering properties of polymers) |
GIM➣Google Instant Messanger |
GIM➣Guided Intelligence Model |
GIM➣Generalized Impedance Matrix |
GIM➣Glass Insulation Material |
GIM➣Global Internet Mail |
GIM➣Global Implicit Measure (pilot performance analysis) |
GIM➣Generation Investment Management LLC (hedge fund sponsor; Denver, CO) |