glomerulosclerosis index
glomerulosclerosis index
An index which semi-quantifies the degree of glomerulosclerosis in a renal biopsy based on the number of glomeruli with sclerosis and the percentage of sclerosis in each of the assessed glomeruli.Method
PAS-stained tissue is examined at 400X; a score of 0 is assigned to normal glomeruli, 1 for up to 25% involvement, 2 for up to 50% involvement, 3 for up to 75%, and 4 for greater than 75% sclerosis. The GSI is calculated as GSI = [(1 x N1) + (2 x N2) + (3 x N3) + (4 x N4)]/(N0 + N1 + N2 + N3 + N4), where Nx is the number of glomeruli with each given score for a given section.