go native

go native

To adopt the behavior, attitudes, or characteristics of the people of a different culture in which one now lives. John has gone native after living in Hawaii for a year, surfing every chance he gets.See also: go, native

go native

Adopt another people's way of life, especially that of a culture from a less developed country. For example, Ben's decided to go native, sleeping in a hammock and eating all kinds of strange foods . This expression is closely associated with the often contemptuous view British colonists had of indigenous peoples. [c. 1900] See also: go, native

go native

(of a person living away from their own country or region) abandon their own culture, customs, or way of life and adopt those of the country or region they are living in.See also: go, native

go ˈnative

(often humorous) (of a person staying in another country) try to live and behave like the local people: She was one of a number of artists who had emigrated in the 1990s and gone native.See also: go, native