Gomori chrome alum hematoxylin-phloxine stain

Go·mo·ri chrome al·um he·ma·tox·y·lin-phlox·ine stain

(gō-mō'rē), a technique used to demonstrate cytoplasmic granules, after Bouin or formalin-Zenker fixatives, using oxidized hematoxylin plus phloxine; in the pancreas, beta cells are blue, alpha and delta cells are red, and zymogen granules are red to unstained; in the pituitary, alpha cells are pink, beta cells and chromophobes are gray-blue, and nuclei are purple to blue.

Go·mo·ri chrome al·um he·ma·tox·y·lin-phlox·ine stain

(gō-mōr'ē krōm al'ŭm hē'mă-toks'i-lin flŏks'in stān) A technique used to demonstrate cytoplasmic granules, after Bouin or formalin-Zenker fixatives, using oxidized hematoxylin plus phloxine; in the pancreas, beta cells are blue, alpha and delta cells are red, and zymogen granules are red to unstained; in the pituitary, alpha cells are pink, beta cells and chromophobes are gray-blue, and nuclei are purple to blue.


George, Hungarian histochemist in the U.S., 1904-1957. Gomori chrome alum hematoxylin-phloxine stain - a technique used to demonstrate cytoplasmic granules.Gomori method for chromaffinGomori nonspecific alkaline phosphatase stain - for histological demonstration of enzymes.Gomori one-step trichrome stain - a connective tissue stain.Gomori silver impregnation stain - a reliable method for reticulin, as an aid in the diagnosis of neoplasm and early cirrhosis of the liver.Grocott-Gomori methenamine-silver stain - a modification of Gomori methenamine-silver stain for fungi.