fried egg appearance

fried egg appearance

A descriptive term for a morphologic pattern likened to an egg fried with an intact yolk surrounded by an empty rim of cytoplasm or uninvolved material.
A descriptive term for the appearance of the neoplastic cells in the bone marrow in hairy cell leukaemia.
(1) A descriptive term for the colony morphology of Mycoplasma hominis and M pneumonia on Shepherd’s differential growth medium, where the growth occurs in 2 planes, both deep to and on the surface of the agar; M hominis is further characterised by its ability to use arginine.
(2) A descriptive term for the colony morphology of Yersinia pestis, which are irregular and measure 1–2 mm in diameter when grown on sheep blood agar.
A term referring to the high-power light microscopic appearance of oligodendrogliocytes and oligodendroglioms, in which cleared cytoplasm surrounds a large central nucleus, a finding regarded as an artefact due to slow fixation; a similar finding may rarely occur in astrocytomas.
A term referring to the high-power light microscopic appearance of classic seminomas.