GDLGraduated Driver (s) License
GDLGlendale (Amtrak station code; Glendale, CA)
GDLGraduated Driver Licensing
GDLGas Diffusion Layer
GDLGraduate Diploma in Law (UK)
GDLGraus de Liberdade (Portuguese: Degree of Freedom; statistics)
GDLGoyim Defense League
GDLGnu Data Language
GDLGeneric Description Language
GDLGnome Development Library
GDLGoogle Desktop for Linux
GDLGraph Description Language
GDLGruppo di Lavoro (Italian)
GDLGauntlet Dark Legacy (video game)
GDLGesellschaft Deutscher Lebensmitteltechnologen (German: Society of German Food Technologists)
GDLGeometric Description Language (File format for ArchiCad from Graphisoft)
GDLGeometric Description Language
GDLGeorgia Department of Labor
GDLGouvernement du Luxembourg (French: Government of Luxembourg)
GDLGrand Duchy of Lithuania
GDLglucono delta-lactone (food additive)
GDLGewerkschaft Deutscher Lokführer (German engine drivers labor union)
GDLGNU Data Language (computer language)
GDLGame Design London (event; London, UK)
GDLGareth David Lloyd (actor; UK)
GDLGradi di Libertà (Italian: Degrees of Freedom; mathematics)
GDLGesellschaft Deutschsprachiger Lymphologen
GDLGas Dynamic Laser
GDLGrand Duchy Of Luxembourg
GDLGenesee District Library (Michigan)
GDLGroup Digital Library
GDLGarage Door Lubricant
GDLGlobal Development Links (London, UK)
GDLGeneralized Distributive Law
GDLGas Discharge Lamp (auto)
GDLGlow Discharge Lamp
GDLGreenstone Digital Library
GDLGeneral-Purpose Declarative Language (web development environment)
GDLGoal-Driven Learning
GDLGlobal Data Link (WorldCom)
GDLGroupe des Laboratoires (French: Group of Laboratories)
GDLGlobal Distribution List (Microsoft Outlook)
GDLGrendonstar Ltd (UK)
GDLGuadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico - Miguel Hidalgo International (Airport Code)
GDLGrounded Di-Electric Layer