

单词 gdi



Graphic Display Interface


(Graphics Device Interface) The traditional programming interface (API) for output in Windows. When an application needs to display or print, it makes a call to a GDI function and sends it the parameters for the object that must be created. GDI in turn "draws" the object by sending commands to the screen and printer drivers, which actually render the images.

GDI+ Enhancements
Starting with Windows XP, GDI+ added textures, gradients, alpha blending, floating point coordinates, support for more graphics formats and new techniques for manipulating groups of graphic elements. See DirectX and device context.


GDIGlobal Domains International (web hosting)
GDIGlobal Defense Initiative (Command and Conquer game)
GDIGlobal Defense Initiative (Command & Conquer game)
GDIGraphics Device Interface
GDIGasoline Direct Injection
GDIGottlieb Duttweiler Institute (Switzerland)
GDIGender-related Development Index
GDIGraphical Device Interface
GDIGardner Denver, Inc. (Wayne, PA)
GDIGlobal Domains International
GDIGross Domestic Income (economics)
GDIGDP Dissociation Inhibitor
GDIGender Development Index
GDIGamma Delta Iota (fraternity)
GDIGarage Doors, Inc. (San Jose, CA)
GDIGod Damn Independent (slang for someone not living in dorms, housing, or Greek System)
GDIGreen Design Institute
GDIGod Damn It
GDIGraphical Display Interface
GDIGroupement de Défense Internationale (French: Global Defense Initiative)
GDIGetting Data In
GDIGonzaga Debate Institute (debate camp)
GDIGosh Darn It
GDIGosh-Darned Independent (polite form)
GDIGeneric Display Interface
GDIGeneral Delegation of Independents




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