Goldschmidt, Meir Aron
Goldschmidt, Meir Aron
Born Oct. 26, 1819, in Vordingborg; died Aug. 15, 1887, in Frederiksberg. Danish author and journalist. Publisher and editor of the journal The Corsair, a publication of bourgeois-liberal tendencies.
Goldschmidt’s novels A Jew (1845; Russian translation, 1919) and Homeless (parts 1–3, 1853–57) deal with the clash of romantic ideals and reality. The novel The Raven (1867) reflects Goldschmidt’s attraction to Saint-Simonism. In the late 1860’she moved closer to the conservatives. The realism of his former works gave way to religious motifs and mysticism (Remembrances and Results, 1877). Goldschmidt is the author of the plays In Another World (1869) and The Youth of Swedenborg (1862) and of the collections Petty Tales (1868–69) and Stories and Sketches (vols. 1–3, 1863–65).
Dagbogfra en rejse. [Copenhagen] 1865.Poetiske skrifter, vols. 1–8. [Copenhagen] 1895–98.
Udvalgte skrifter, vols. 1–6. [Copenhagen] 1908–16.
In Russian translation:
Rasskazy o liubvi. Moscow, 1889.
Tiander, K. F. “Otkliki romantizma v Danii i Shvetsii.” In Istoriia zapadnoi literatury, vol. 3. Edited by F. D. Batiushkov. Moscow [1914].Brandes, G. Kritiker og portratter. Copenhagen, 1870.
Petersen, C. F.. and V. Andersen. Ilustreret dansk litteraturhistorie, vol. 3. Copenhagen, 1924.
Rubow, Paul V. Goldschmidt og Kierkegaard. Copenhagen, 1952.
Bredsdorff, E. Goldschmidts “Corsaren.” [Odense] 1962.