

单词 frf



The ISO 4217 currency code for the French Franc.


ISO 4217 code for the French franc. The original franc was issued by King John the Good of France in 1360. It was taken out of circulation in 1641 and was reintroduced in 1795. Before World War I, it was variously pegged to gold, silver and the value of property confiscated from the church. It was part of the Bretton Woods System after World War II and became a floating currency after its collapse. It was replaced by the euro in 2002.


FRFFuji Rock Festival
FRFFrench Francs (old currency code; replaced by EUR)
FRFFondation Raoul Follereau (French foundation)
FRFFrequency Response Function
FRFFederatia Româna de Fotbal (Romanian Futbol Federation)
FRFFree Form
FRFField Registration File
FRFFrame Relay Fragmentation
FRFFacility Request Form (various organizations)
FRFFrame Relay Forum
FRFFurReal Friends (online community)
FRFField Research Facility
FRFFlorida Retail Federation
FRFFamily Radio Face-Held (equipment class)
FRFFutenma Replacement Facility (Japan)
FRFFirst Run Features
FRFFatigue Reliability Factor (engineering)
FRFFragment Retention Film (polyester window film)
FRFFinancial Responsibility Form (various organizations)
FRFFachvereinigung Rohrleitungs Formstücke eV
FRFFloating-Point Register File
FRFFinnish Rescue Force
FRFFire-Resistant Fuel
FRFFoundation for Religious Freedom (Los Angeles, CA, USA)
FRFFinite-Rate Feedback
FRFFinnish Rugby Federation
FRFFlood Relief Fund (Pakistan)
FRFForm-Resolving Field (research)
FRFFlight Records Folder (USAF)
FRFFlat to Round to Flat (cable)
FRFFlat Rayleigh Fading
FRFFour-Resonator Filter
FRFFact-Related Field
FRFField Reporting Facility
FRFFree Realms Forums (website)




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