Frezer Moscow Cutting-Tool Plant
Frezer Moscow Cutting-Tool Plant
(full name, M. I. Kalinin Frezer Moscow Cutting-tool Plant), the largest establishment of the tool industry in the USSR. It specializes in long-run production of standard and special cutting tools, including miniature tools for the watchmaking and instrument-making industries. Construction of the plant began in 1930; operation began Apr. 30, 1932. The plant produces more than 3, 000 types and sizes of tools. Since 1953 the plant has also manufactured special machinery for the tool industry. The plant has introduced production of new types of tools, including hard-alloy tools. Automated and mechanized flow production lines for work on cutting tools are in operation. Work on the development and introduction of new designs for tools and machines, as well as new tool materials and new production methods, is conducted in cooperation with 35 scientific research institutes and design bureaus. Between 1940 and 1973 the volume of production was increased by a factor of 12. The plant was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in 1966.