Acronym | Definition |
AFC➣Automatic Frequency Control |
AFC➣Away from Computer |
AFC➣American Football Conference |
AFC➣Asian Football Confederation |
AFC➣Anti-Friction Coating (various companies) |
AFC➣Association Football Club |
AFC➣Australian Film Commission |
AFC➣Adult Foster Care |
AFC➣American Folklife Center (Library of Congress) |
AFC➣Auto Finance Company |
AFC➣Adelaide Football Club |
AFC➣Associations Familiales Catholiques (French: Catholic Family Associations) |
AFC➣Arteria Femoralis Communis (Latin: Common Femoral Artery) |
AFC➣Assistant Fire Chief |
AFC➣Anna Freud Centre (child psychoanalysis research; UK) |
AFC➣Athletic Football Club |
AFC➣Arsenal Football Club |
AFC➣Angelika Film Center (various locations) |
AFC➣Amateur Football Combination (league; London, England, UK) |
AFC➣Agenda for Change (NHS pay scheme) |
AFC➣A Fighting Chance |
AFC➣Artificial Food Coloring |
AFC➣Anti-Fog Coated (optics) |
AFC➣Army Futures Command |
AFC➣Audit and Finance Committee (various organizations) |
AFC➣Alaska Fighting Championship (mixed martial arts) |
AFC➣Apulia Film Commission (Italy) |
AFC➣Act of Free Choice (Indonesia) |
AFC➣Alkaline Fuel Cell |
AFC➣Application for Certification |
AFC➣Association Française de Cliométrie (French: French Cliometrics Association) |
AFC➣American Fur Company (1808-1842) |
AFC➣Active Failover Clusters |
AFC➣Application Foundation Classes |
AFC➣anti Ferromagnetically Coupled |
AFC➣Advanced Fibre Communications |
AFC➣Apple Fibre Channel |
AFC➣Automatic Fare Collection |
AFC➣Association Française de Conchyliologie (French: French Conchology Association) |
AFC➣Air Force Cross |
AFC➣Airport Facilities Co., Ltd. (Japan) |
AFC➣Arab Fashion Council |
AFC➣Association Française des Directeurs de la Photographie Cinématographique (French: French Association of Cinematographers) |
AFC➣Alabama Fire College (Tuscaloosa, AL) |
AFC➣Advanced Fibre Communications (company) |
AFC➣Armed Forces Committee (various organizations) |
AFC➣Association Française de Criminologie (French: French Criminology Association) |
AFC➣Artemis Fowl Confidential (fan club) |
AFC➣Alliance for Change (Guyana) |
AFC➣Ambassadors for Children (various locations) |
AFC➣Apostolate for Family Consecration (Bloomingdale, OH) |
AFC➣Amsterdamsche Football Club (Amsterdam, Netherlands) |
AFC➣Amateur Football Club |
AFC➣Aberdeen Football Club (Scotland) |
AFC➣Association Française de Chiropratique (French: French Chiropractic Association) |
AFC➣Australian Flying Corps (Australian Imperial Force) |
AFC➣Average Frustrated Chump |
AFC➣Automated Fare Collection |
AFC➣Atlanta Football Classic (Atlanta, GA) |
AFC➣AdSense For Content (Google) |
AFC➣Average Fixed Cost |
AFC➣Atlantic Flying Club (South Africa) |
AFC➣Advanced Flight Control |
AFC➣Away from Controller (gaming) |
AFC➣Antiferromagnetically-Coupled (hard disk media technology) |
AFC➣Analyse Factorielle des Correspondances |
AFC➣America's Finest City |
AFC➣Average Final Compensation |
AFC➣Amateur Field Champion (American Kennel Club) |
AFC➣Accredited Financial Counselor |
AFC➣Antral Follicle Count |
AFC➣Ambassadors for Christ |
AFC➣Anti-Fascist Committee (politics) |
AFC➣Army Family Covenant |
AFC➣Association Française de Cytométrie (French: French Cytometry Association) |
AFC➣Allmerica Financial Corporation |
AFC➣Anticipated Final Cost |
AFC➣Automatic Flight Control |
AFC➣American Fund for Charities (est. 1997) |
AFC➣Automatic Flow Control |
AFC➣Asia Future Conference (Japan) |
AFC➣Atlantic Football Conference (Canada) |
AFC➣Athletic Fitness Center (various locations) |
AFC➣Academic Freedom Committee (various schools) |
AFC➣Architects for Change (Royal Institute of British Architects; UK; est. 2000) |
AFC➣Association Francaise de Cristallographie |
AFC➣Air Fuel Controller |
AFC➣Approved For Construction |
AFC➣Association Française de Canyon (French: French Canyon Association) |
AFC➣Association of Fundraising Consultants |
AFC➣Advanced Flash Components (Kansas City, MO) |
AFC➣Automatic Font Change |
AFC➣American Film Classics (website) |
AFC➣Analyses Françaises de Communication (French: French Communication Analysis) |
AFC➣Association Française pour la Contraception |
AFC➣Air Force Center |
AFC➣Antibody Forming Cell |
AFC➣Advocates for Children of New York, Inc. |
AFC➣Armed Forces Council |
AFC➣América Futebol Clube (Brazil) |
AFC➣Application Foundation Class(es) |
AFC➣Airman First Class |
AFC➣Amplitude-Frequency Characteristic |
AFC➣Automatic Frequency Correction |
AFC➣Armoured Face Conveyor (mining) |
AFC➣Army Functional Concept (US Army) |
AFC➣Air Force Cadet |
AFC➣American Freedom Campaign (est. 2007) |
AFC➣Accès Automatiques Fermetures Contrôlées (French: Automatic Controlled Access Closures) |
AFC➣Automatic Fee Collection (electronic toll collection) |
AFC➣Addition Flash Cards |
AFC➣Air Fluid Cooler (various companies) |
AFC➣Airframe Change |
AFC➣Automatic Flatness Control |
AFC➣Atlanta Financial Center |
AFC➣Arab Finance Corporation |
AFC➣Available Fault Current |
AFC➣Articles for Creation (Wikimedia Foundation editing policy) |
AFC➣Area Frequency Coordinator |
AFC➣Australian Food Council |
AFC➣Altrincham Football Club (UK) |
AFC➣Aldershot Football Club (UK) |
AFC➣American Forest Council |
AFC➣American Fried Chicken |
AFC➣Area Forecast Centre (aeronautics) |
AFC➣ASEAN Finance Corporation |
AFC➣Advance Fixing Certificate (export license; UK) |
AFC➣Arabs for Christ |
AFC➣All Female Clan (gaming) |
AFC➣Agent Foundation Classes |
AFC➣Asset Forfeiture Coordinator (IRS) |
AFC➣Aggies for Christ (College Station, TX) |
AFC➣Australian Forestry Council |
AFC➣Available Funds Cap |
AFC➣Audio Frequency Control |
AFC➣After the Fall of the Commonwealth (TV show Andromeda) |
AFC➣Automatic Fire Control (Weapons system) |
AFC➣Angel Flight Central, Inc. |
AFC➣Aerodynamic Flight Control |
AFC➣Air Force Council |
AFC➣Anadromous Fish Committee |
AFC➣Advanced Facer-Canceler (US postal service device) |
AFC➣Automated Frequency Control |
AFC➣Aviation Fire Control |
AFC➣Allotment Fund Code |
AFC➣Another Frustrated Chump |
AFC➣Chief Aircraft Maintenanceman (Naval rating) |
AFC➣Assimilation with Fractional Crystallization (geochemistry) |
AFC➣Algoma Forest Coalition |
AFC➣Agency Field Consultant |
AFC➣Albury Football Club (New South Wales, Australia) |
AFC➣All-Source Fusion Center (US DoD) |
AFC➣Access Flag Change |
AFC➣Access Filtering Card |
AFC➣Allowance Factor Code |
AFC➣Address Complete Signal, Subscriber Free, Charge (ITU-T) |
AFC➣Advanced Force Commander |
AFC➣Aberfeldie Football Club (Melbourne, Australia) |
AFC➣Action for the City (Vietnam) |
AFC➣Away From Chatter |
AFC➣Alternate Fuel Cycle |
AFC➣Adventures for Charity (Parker, CO) |
AFC➣Allergy Foundation of Canada |
AFC➣The Leader in Access Network Technology (The Acronym for Access) |
AFC➣Air Frequency Coordinator |
AFC➣Analog Function Code |
AFC➣Annual Financing Conventions |
AFC➣Advanced Function Controller |
AFC➣Aramid Fiber Compound |
AFC➣Asymptotically Fast Convergence |
AFC➣Air Force Cleaner C |
AFC➣Air Failure Closed (valve operation mode) |
AFC➣Abbottstown Fire Company (Abbottstown, PA) |
AFC➣Alliance Flag Carrier (gaming, World of Warcraft) |
AFC➣Allowance for Change |