

单词 afc



abbr. American Football Conference


abbreviation for 1. (Military) Air Force Cross 2. (Soccer) Association Football Club 3. (Aeronautics) automatic flight control 4. (General Physics) automatic frequency control


American Football Conference.



(electronics) automatic frequency control


(1) (Application Foundation Classes) A class library from Microsoft that provides an application framework and graphics, graphical user interface (GUI) and multimedia routines for Java programmers. AFC Enterprise Libraries include support for data access, directory services, transactions and distributed objects. AFC is compatible with AWT and runs in Windows and other JVM environments. See JFC, AWT and IFC.

(2) (AntiFerromagnetic-Coupled) A hard disk technology from IBM that uses a ruthenium layer three atoms thick sandwiched between two magnetic layers. The magnetic layers allow for thinner bits, and the bit above and below are polarized in opposite directions. This technology pushes the superparamagnetic limit once again. The ruthenium layer, which is a precious metal, has been coined "pixie dust" for its magical properties by IBM engineers. See superparamagnetic limit.

AFC Layers
In antiferromagnetic-coupled storage technology, the bits are created in pairs with opposite polarities above and below the ruthenium layer.



Abbreviation for:
adult foster care
affinity chromatography
Agenda for Change, see there (Medspeak-UK)
amniotic fluid cells
amplitude frequency characteristics
analytical flow cytometry
antibody-forming cell
FinancialSeeAfrican Groundnut Council


AFCAutomatic Frequency Control
AFCAway from Computer
AFCAmerican Football Conference
AFCAsian Football Confederation
AFCAnti-Friction Coating (various companies)
AFCAssociation Football Club
AFCAustralian Film Commission
AFCAdult Foster Care
AFCAmerican Folklife Center (Library of Congress)
AFCAuto Finance Company
AFCAdelaide Football Club
AFCAssociations Familiales Catholiques (French: Catholic Family Associations)
AFCArteria Femoralis Communis (Latin: Common Femoral Artery)
AFCAssistant Fire Chief
AFCAnna Freud Centre (child psychoanalysis research; UK)
AFCAthletic Football Club
AFCArsenal Football Club
AFCAngelika Film Center (various locations)
AFCAmateur Football Combination (league; London, England, UK)
AFCAgenda for Change (NHS pay scheme)
AFCA Fighting Chance
AFCArtificial Food Coloring
AFCAnti-Fog Coated (optics)
AFCArmy Futures Command
AFCAudit and Finance Committee (various organizations)
AFCAlaska Fighting Championship (mixed martial arts)
AFCApulia Film Commission (Italy)
AFCAct of Free Choice (Indonesia)
AFCAlkaline Fuel Cell
AFCApplication for Certification
AFCAssociation Française de Cliométrie (French: French Cliometrics Association)
AFCAmerican Fur Company (1808-1842)
AFCActive Failover Clusters
AFCApplication Foundation Classes
AFCanti Ferromagnetically Coupled
AFCAdvanced Fibre Communications
AFCApple Fibre Channel
AFCAutomatic Fare Collection
AFCAssociation Française de Conchyliologie (French: French Conchology Association)
AFCAir Force Cross
AFCAirport Facilities Co., Ltd. (Japan)
AFCArab Fashion Council
AFCAssociation Française des Directeurs de la Photographie Cinématographique (French: French Association of Cinematographers)
AFCAlabama Fire College (Tuscaloosa, AL)
AFCAdvanced Fibre Communications (company)
AFCArmed Forces Committee (various organizations)
AFCAssociation Française de Criminologie (French: French Criminology Association)
AFCArtemis Fowl Confidential (fan club)
AFCAlliance for Change (Guyana)
AFCAmbassadors for Children (various locations)
AFCApostolate for Family Consecration (Bloomingdale, OH)
AFCAmsterdamsche Football Club (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
AFCAmateur Football Club
AFCAberdeen Football Club (Scotland)
AFCAssociation Française de Chiropratique (French: French Chiropractic Association)
AFCAustralian Flying Corps (Australian Imperial Force)
AFCAverage Frustrated Chump
AFCAutomated Fare Collection
AFCAtlanta Football Classic (Atlanta, GA)
AFCAdSense For Content (Google)
AFCAverage Fixed Cost
AFCAtlantic Flying Club (South Africa)
AFCAdvanced Flight Control
AFCAway from Controller (gaming)
AFCAntiferromagnetically-Coupled (hard disk media technology)
AFCAnalyse Factorielle des Correspondances
AFCAmerica's Finest City
AFCAverage Final Compensation
AFCAmateur Field Champion (American Kennel Club)
AFCAccredited Financial Counselor
AFCAntral Follicle Count
AFCAmbassadors for Christ
AFCAnti-Fascist Committee (politics)
AFCArmy Family Covenant
AFCAssociation Française de Cytométrie (French: French Cytometry Association)
AFCAllmerica Financial Corporation
AFCAnticipated Final Cost
AFCAutomatic Flight Control
AFCAmerican Fund for Charities (est. 1997)
AFCAutomatic Flow Control
AFCAsia Future Conference (Japan)
AFCAtlantic Football Conference (Canada)
AFCAthletic Fitness Center (various locations)
AFCAcademic Freedom Committee (various schools)
AFCArchitects for Change (Royal Institute of British Architects; UK; est. 2000)
AFCAssociation Francaise de Cristallographie
AFCAir Fuel Controller
AFCApproved For Construction
AFCAssociation Française de Canyon (French: French Canyon Association)
AFCAssociation of Fundraising Consultants
AFCAdvanced Flash Components (Kansas City, MO)
AFCAutomatic Font Change
AFCAmerican Film Classics (website)
AFCAnalyses Françaises de Communication (French: French Communication Analysis)
AFCAssociation Française pour la Contraception
AFCAir Force Center
AFCAntibody Forming Cell
AFCAdvocates for Children of New York, Inc.
AFCArmed Forces Council
AFCAmérica Futebol Clube (Brazil)
AFCApplication Foundation Class(es)
AFCAirman First Class
AFCAmplitude-Frequency Characteristic
AFCAutomatic Frequency Correction
AFCArmoured Face Conveyor (mining)
AFCArmy Functional Concept (US Army)
AFCAir Force Cadet
AFCAmerican Freedom Campaign (est. 2007)
AFCAccès Automatiques Fermetures Contrôlées (French: Automatic Controlled Access Closures)
AFCAutomatic Fee Collection (electronic toll collection)
AFCAddition Flash Cards
AFCAir Fluid Cooler (various companies)
AFCAirframe Change
AFCAutomatic Flatness Control
AFCAtlanta Financial Center
AFCArab Finance Corporation
AFCAvailable Fault Current
AFCArticles for Creation (Wikimedia Foundation editing policy)
AFCArea Frequency Coordinator
AFCAustralian Food Council
AFCAltrincham Football Club (UK)
AFCAldershot Football Club (UK)
AFCAmerican Forest Council
AFCAmerican Fried Chicken
AFCArea Forecast Centre (aeronautics)
AFCASEAN Finance Corporation
AFCAdvance Fixing Certificate (export license; UK)
AFCArabs for Christ
AFCAll Female Clan (gaming)
AFCAgent Foundation Classes
AFCAsset Forfeiture Coordinator (IRS)
AFCAggies for Christ (College Station, TX)
AFCAustralian Forestry Council
AFCAvailable Funds Cap
AFCAudio Frequency Control
AFCAfter the Fall of the Commonwealth (TV show Andromeda)
AFCAutomatic Fire Control (Weapons system)
AFCAngel Flight Central, Inc.
AFCAerodynamic Flight Control
AFCAir Force Council
AFCAnadromous Fish Committee
AFCAdvanced Facer-Canceler (US postal service device)
AFCAutomated Frequency Control
AFCAviation Fire Control
AFCAllotment Fund Code
AFCAnother Frustrated Chump
AFCChief Aircraft Maintenanceman (Naval rating)
AFCAssimilation with Fractional Crystallization (geochemistry)
AFCAlgoma Forest Coalition
AFCAgency Field Consultant
AFCAlbury Football Club (New South Wales, Australia)
AFCAll-Source Fusion Center (US DoD)
AFCAccess Flag Change
AFCAccess Filtering Card
AFCAllowance Factor Code
AFCAddress Complete Signal, Subscriber Free, Charge (ITU-T)
AFCAdvanced Force Commander
AFCAberfeldie Football Club (Melbourne, Australia)
AFCAction for the City (Vietnam)
AFCAway From Chatter
AFCAlternate Fuel Cycle
AFCAdventures for Charity (Parker, CO)
AFCAllergy Foundation of Canada
AFCThe Leader in Access Network Technology (The Acronym for Access)
AFCAir Frequency Coordinator
AFCAnalog Function Code
AFCAnnual Financing Conventions
AFCAdvanced Function Controller
AFCAramid Fiber Compound
AFCAsymptotically Fast Convergence
AFCAir Force Cleaner C
AFCAir Failure Closed (valve operation mode)
AFCAbbottstown Fire Company (Abbottstown, PA)
AFCAlliance Flag Carrier (gaming, World of Warcraft)
AFCAllowance for Change




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