Acronym | Definition |
GNC➣General Nutrition Centers |
GNC➣Gas Natural Comprimido (Argentina) |
GNC➣Geek News Central (technology news) |
GNC➣General Nutrition Corporation (various locations) |
GNC➣Guidance, Navigation, and Control |
GNC➣Greg Norman Collection (golf) |
GNC➣Gender Non-Conforming |
GNC➣Gaz Naturel Carburant (French: Natural Gas Fuel) |
GNC➣General Nutrition Companies (nutritional supplements) |
GNC➣Grand National Championship (ATV racing) |
GNC➣Ghana National Council (Chicago, IL) |
GNC➣Globally Networked Customs (World Customs Organization) |
GNC➣Governance and Nominating Committee (corporate governance) |
GNC➣Good News Club (Child Evangelism Fellowship) |
GNC➣Global Navigation Chart |
GNC➣Gobierno Nacional Central (Colombia) |
GNC➣Gram Negative Cocci (bacteria) |
GNC➣Greenburgh Nature Center (Scarsdale, New York) |
GNC➣Graduated Non-Convexity (image processing algorithm) |
GNC➣Green National Committee |
GNC➣Greater Newark Conservancy |
GNC➣Getting Needed Care (health scale) |
GNC➣Guidance and Navigation Computer |
GNC➣GMFSC Network Controller |
GNC➣GMF Network Controller |
GNC➣Gaz Non Conventionnels (French: Unconventional Gas) |
GNC➣Groupement National Carpe (French: National Carpe Group; fishing association) |
GNC➣General Navigation Compute |
GNC➣Graph-Node Coloring |
GNC➣Generalized Nyquist Criterion |
GNC➣Geriatric Nurse Certified (healthcare) |