释义 |
GlxSymbol for glutamyl (Glu), glutaminyl (Gln), and/or any substance that yields glutamate on acid hydrolysis of a peptide (for example, 5-oxoproline, 4-carboxyglutamate); the "x" denotes uncertainty about the precise identity of the actual molecular entity.Glx Abbreviation for glutaminyl; glutamylGLX
Acronym | Definition |
GLX➣Galaxie (Digital Satellite Broadcasting Service) | GLX➣Open Gl Extension to the X Window System | GLX➣Open Graphics Library Extension | GLX➣Grand Luxe Extra | GLX➣Graphics Language Linux | GLX➣Opengl Extension to the X Window System | GLX➣Grand Luxury | GLX➣Glutamine and Glutamate (amino acids) | GLX➣Gaming Limits Exceeded (online gaming) | GLX➣Grande Luxe |