Acronym | Definition |
GFE➣Good Faith Estimate (mortgage or loan related estimate of closing costs) |
GFE➣Government-Furnished Equipment |
GFE➣Good for Enterprise (software) |
GFE➣Grantmakers for Education |
GFE➣Girl Friend Experience |
GFE➣General Further Education (UK) |
GFE➣Graphical Forecast Editor |
GFE➣Google Front End (Google web server) |
GFE➣Gas Free Engineer |
GFE➣Group Format Error |
GFE➣Generic Front End |
GFE➣Gesellschaft für Forschung und Entwicklung (German) |
GFE➣Good for Everything |
GFE➣Groningen Fitness Test for the Elderly |
GFE➣General Fund Exempt |
GFE➣Good Faith Edit (Wikimedia Foundation) |
GFE➣Go Fat Early |
GFE➣Grooming Fabric Edge |