释义 |
functional reach functional reach Clinical anatomy The distance between the relaxed shoulder pivot point and the tip of the outstretched fingersfunc·tion·al reach (fŭngk'shŭn-ăl rēch) The distance a person can reach forward or to the side beyond arm's length while keeping a fixed base of support in a standing position. functional reachThe furthest distance in front of the body that a person, standing in a fixed position with arms fully extended, can touch without falling. The functional reach test, as originally devised by Duncan et al, is a measure of frailty in addition to an assessment of balance, flexibility, and fall risk. Norms for this test are: reach < 6 inches = high risk of falls/frailty; reach > 6 inches and < 10 inches = moderate risk for falls/frailty; reach > 10 inches = low risk for falls/frailty. A variation of the test, called the multidimensional reach test, assesses a subject's ability to reach both forward and side-to-side. |