acute services
acute services
A generic UK term for medical and surgical treatment provided in hospital. Acute services are managed by an acute hospital trust.Patients need to access acute medical care throughout the 24-hour period, not just within traditional office hours—acute illness may occur any time, and service redesign must be predicated on providing fast and efficient access to acute medical care 24/7.
Acute services (UK)
• Major trauma and life-threatening illness.
• Dedicated acute service pathways for specific illnesses—e.g., myocardial infarction and stroke.
• Acute medical care.
• Acute exacerbations of long-term illnesses, the care of the elderly with acute illness and end-of-life care.
• Acute surgical services.
• Acute mental health services, including those dedicated to the special needs of older people.
• Acute paediatric services.
• Access to simple and/or sophisticated diagnostic support.
• Access to out-of-hours primary care and care for people with acute illness.
• End-of-life care.