

单词 apf
释义 DictionarySeefluoride



 acidulated phosphate fluoride, a preparation of sodium fluoride acidulated with phosphoric acid for topical application to the teeth in the prevention of dental caries; see sodium fluoride.


Abbreviation for animal protein factor.


Abbreviation for acidulated phosphate fluoride.


APFAsociacion Paraguaya de Futbol (Spanish: Paraguayan Football Association)
APFArmed Police Force (various locations)
APFActive Power Filter
APFAssociation des Paralysés de France
APFAnnotated Pratchett File (Terry Pratchett fansite)
APFAssemblée Parlementaire de la Francophonie (French)
APFAll-Pro Football (gaming)
APFAntarctic Polar Front
APFAgricultural Policy Framework (Canada)
APFAdvanced Patterning Film
APFAll Plastic Fiber
APFAmplified Password File
APFAutomatic Photo Feeder
APFAnimal Protective Foundation (New York)
APFAsia-Pacific Foundation (UK)
APFAssigned Protection Factor (US OSHA; respiratory protection)
APFArt Production Fund (New York, NY)
APFAll Plastic Fiber (optical fiber)
APFAmerican Pathology Foundation (Laguna Beach, CA)
APFAdequate Public Facilities
APFAzim Premji Foundation (India)
APFAustralian Privacy Foundation
APFAnti-Privatisation Forum
APFAppropriated Fund(s)
APFAmerican Pain Foundation
APFAdvanced Policy Firewall (computer security)
APFAmerican Porphyria Foundation
APFAnother Pretty Face (band)
APFAustralian Parachute Federation
APFAlicia Patterson Foundation (Washington, DC)
APFAmerican Pakistan Foundation
APFAzerbaijan Popular Front (political party)
APFAmerican Psychiatric Foundation (Arlington,VA)
APFNaples, FL, USA (Airport Code)
APFApplication File(s)
APFAfrican Parks Foundation (various locations)
APFAssociação para o Planeamento da Família (Portugese: Family Planning Association)
APFAction for Prisoners' Families (UK)
APFAnglican Pacifist Fellowship (est. 1937)
APFAkshaya Patra Foundation (India)
APFAdvanced Printer Function
APFAuthorized Program Facility
APFAfloat Prepositioning Force
APFAfloat Pre-Positioning Force (US DoD)
APFAsian Packaging Federation
APFAfrican Peace Facility (est. 2004; Africa and EU)
APFAtlanta Police Foundation
APFAssociation for the Propagation of the Faith
APFAdaptive Project Framework
APFAtomic Packing Factor (the fraction of unit cell occupied by atoms in material science)
APFAmazon Products Feed
APFAll-Pass Filter
APFAnimal Protein Factor
APFAmericans for Prosperity Foundation (Arlington, VA)
APFAustralian Pharmaceutical Formulary
APFAuxiliary Particle Filter
APFAppleford Railway Station (UK)
APFAmerican Psychoanalytic Foundation
APFAsia Partnership Fund (est. 1981)
APFAssociaçao Portuguesa de Fisioterapeutas
APFAdministrative Flagship (US Navy)
APFAutomatic Purge Filtration (KitchenAid)
APFAdvanced Productivity Family (Applied Materials, Inc.)
APFAircraft Prototype Facility (US Navy)
APFAutomatic Pressure Filter
APFAll PINs Fail
APFApple Preferred Format (graphics file format/extension)
APFAdvanced Particle Filter
APFAsset Protection Forum
APFAdvice of Project Funds
APFAssociated Press Financial News
APFActive Path First model (reliability)
APFAmerican Philatelic Foundation (Los Angeles, California)
APFAdvanced Planning Funds
APFAvailability Planning Form
APFAir Procedures Flight (Ramstein Air Base, Germany)
APFAmerican Premier Funding (San Diego, CA)
APFAnalyst Private File
APFApplication Processor Frame
APFAlien Play Field (gaming)




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