Goga, Octavian

Goga, Octavian


Born Apr. 1, 1881, in the village of Ràsinari, near Sibiu; died May 7, 1938, in the village of Ciucea, near Cluj. Rumanian political figure, poet, and dramatist.

Goga graduated from the University of Budapest. In 1920 and 1926 he was minister of arts and minister for internal affairs in the government of A. Averescu. He became head of the fascist National Christian Party in 1935. During the 1930’s he participated in the management of a number of Rumanian banks and monopolies, through which he had ties to foreign capital. Goga was premier between December 1937 and February 1938; his government pursued a nationalistic profascist course with a foreign policy oriented toward Hitlerite Germany.


Versuri. Bucharest, 1957.


Balan, I. D. Octavian Goga. [Bucharest, 1966.]