Acronym | Definition |
GOF➣Guardians of Freedom (gaming clan) |
GOF➣Goodness Of Fit |
GOF➣Gentlemen of Fortune (barbershop chorus, Vancouver) |
GOF➣Gang of Four (Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides; authors of the book Design Patterns) |
GOF➣Gang of Four (short-time Communist China's leader after the death of Mao) |
GOF➣Get Off Facebook |
GOF➣Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (book by J. K. Rowling) |
GOF➣Grumpy Old Farts |
GOF➣Guest Observer Facility |
GOF➣Governor's Opportunity Fund |
GOF➣grease, oil and filter (automotive maintenance) |
GOF➣Groups Of Forces (Non-Soviet Warsaw Pact) |
GOF➣Group of Friends |
GOF➣Glass Optical Fiber |
GOF➣Global Opportunities Fund (UK) |
GOF➣Gun Owners Foundation |
GOF➣Group of Frames |
GOF➣Great Outdoor Fight (Chris Onstad book) |
GOF➣Germany or Florida (game) |
GOF➣Grapple of Fixture (robotics) |
GOF➣Grease, Oil & Filter (automobile mechanic's shorthand) |