Georgescu, George

Georgescu, George


Born Sept. 16, 1887, in Sulina; died Sept. 1, 1964, in Bucharest. Rumanian conductor and academician. People’s Artist of Rumania (1954).

Georgescu studied cello in the Bucharest Conservatory and in the German Higher School for Music in Berlin (1910-12). In 1911 he performed as a soloist. From 1916 to 1918 he trained as a conductor under R. Strauss and A. Nikisch. In 1920 he became the principal conductor of the Bucharest Philharmonic Orchestra, serving also as its general director from 1920 to 1944. He frequently conducted at the Bucharest Opera House between 1922 and 1940.

Georgescu was one of the most outstanding 20th-century conductors. The music of Rumanian composers occupied a special place in his vast repertoire. He conducted in many cities throughout the world; between 1952 and 1958 he was in the Soviet Union four times. Georgescu received the Rumanian State Prize in 1949 and 1957.


Voiculescu, L. George Georgescu. Bucharest, 1957.
Breazul, G. “Muzica romšneasca.” In Pagini din istoria muzicii romšne§ti. Bucharest, 1966.