frenulum of ileal orifice

frenulum of ileal orifice

[TA] a fold, more evident in cadavers, running from the junction of the two commissures of the ileocecal valve on either side along the inner wall of the cecocolic junction. Synonym(s): frenulum ostii ilealis [TA], frenulum of ileocecal valve, frenulum of Morgagni, frenulum valvae ileocecalis, Morgagni frenum, Morgagni retinaculum

fren·u·lum of il·e·al or·i·fice

(fren'yū-lŭm il'ē-ăl ōr'i-fis) [TA] A fold, more evident in cadavers, running from the junction of the two commissures of the ileocecal valve on either side along the inner wall of the cecocolic junction.
Synonym(s): Morgagni retinaculum.