释义 |
DictionarySeenervegenitofemoral nerve
gen·i·to·fem·o·ral nerve [TA] arises from the first and second lumbar nerves, passes distally along the anterior surface of psoas major muscle and divides into genital and femoral branches. Synonym(s): nervus genitofemoralis [TA], genitocrural nervegen·i·to·fem·o·ral nerve (jen'i-tō-fem'ŏr-ăl nĕrv) [TA] Arises from the first and second lumbar nerves, passes distad along the anterior surface of psoas major muscle and divides into genital and femoral branches. Synonym(s): nervus genitofemoralis [TA] . genitofemoral nerveA sensory nerve originating in the lumbar plexus and composed of axons from spinal cord segments L2–L3. It runs along the surface of the psoas major muscle where it divides into a genital branch and a femoral branch; the branches innervate the skin of the scrotum or labium and the skin over the femoral triangle. See also: nerveAcronymsSeeGFN |