

单词 get going

get going

get 1

G0108400 (gĕt) v. got (gŏt), got·ten (gŏt′n) or got , get·ting, gets v. tr. 1. a. To come into possession or use of; receive: got a cat for her birthday. b. To meet with or incur: got nothing but trouble for her efforts. 2. a. To go after and obtain: got a book at the library; got breakfast in town. b. To go after and bring: Get me a pillow. c. To purchase; buy: get groceries. 3. a. To acquire as a result of action or effort: He got his information from the internet. You can't get water out of a stone. b. To earn: got high marks in math. c. To accomplish or attain as a result of military action. 4. To obtain by concession or request: couldn't get the time off; got permission to go. 5. a. To arrive at; reach: When did you get home? b. To reach and board; catch: She got her plane two minutes before takeoff. 6. To succeed in communicating with, as by telephone: can't get me at the office until nine. 7. To become affected with (an illness, for example) by infection or exposure; catch: get the flu; got the mumps. 8. a. To be subjected to; undergo: got a severe concussion. b. To receive as retribution or punishment: got six years in prison for tax fraud. c. To sustain a specified injury to: got my arm broken. 9. a. To perceive or become aware of by one of the senses: get a whiff of perfume; got a look at the schedule. b. To gain or have understanding of: Do you get this question? c. To learn (a poem, for example) by heart; memorize. d. To find or reach by calculating: get a total; can't get the answer. 10. To procreate; beget: "Is my life given me for nothing but to get children and work to bring them up?" (D.H. Lawrence). 11. a. To cause to become or be in a specified state or condition: got the children tired and cross; got the shirt clean. b. To make ready; prepare: get lunch for the family. c. To cause to come or go: got the car through traffic. d. To cause to move or leave: Get me out of here! 12. To cause to undertake or perform; prevail on: got the guide to give us the complete tour. 13. a. To take, especially by force; seize: The detective got the suspect as he left the restaurant. b. Informal To overcome or destroy: The ice storm got the rose bushes. c. To evoke an emotional response or reaction in: Romantic music really gets me. d. To annoy or irritate: What got me was his utter lack of initiative. e. To present a difficult problem to; puzzle: "It's the suspect's indifference that gets me," the detective said. f. To take revenge on, especially to kill in revenge for a wrong. g. Informal To hit or strike: She got him on the chin. The bullet got him in the arm. 14. Baseball To put out or strike out: got the batter with a cut fastball. 15. To begin or start. Used with the present participle: I have to get working on this or I'll miss my deadline. 16. a. To have current possession of. Used in the present perfect form with the meaning of the present: We've got plenty of cash. b. Nonstandard To have current possession of. Used in the past tense form with the meaning of the present: They got a nice house in town. c. To have as an obligation. Used in the present perfect form with the meaning of the present: I have got to leave early. You've got to do the dishes. d. Nonstandard To have as an obligation. Used in the past tense with the meaning of the present: They got to clean up this mess. v. intr. 1. a. To become or grow to be: eventually got well. b. To be successful in coming or going: When will we get to Dallas? 2. To be able or permitted: never got to see Europe; finally got to work at home. 3. a. To be successful in becoming: get free of a drug problem. b. Used with the past participle of transitive verbs as a passive voice auxiliary: got stung by a bee. c. To become drawn in, entangled, or involved: got into debt; get into a hassle. 4. Informal To depart immediately: yelled at the dog to get. 5. To work for gain or profit; make money: Do you feel as though you're exhausting yourself getting and not making enough for spending? n. 1. Progeny; offspring: a thoroughbred's get. 2. Chiefly British Slang git2.3. Sports A return, as in tennis, on a shot that seems impossible to reach. Phrasal Verbs: get across 1. To make understandable or clear: tried to get my point across. 2. To be convincing or understandable: How can I get across to the students? get after To urge or scold: You should get after them to mow the lawn. get ahead To improve one's situation; be successful. get along 1. To be or continue to be on harmonious terms: gets along with the in-laws. 2. To manage or fare with reasonable success: can't get along on those wages. 3. To make progress: Are you getting along with the project? 4. To grow old: getting along in years. 5. To go away; leave: The store owner told the children to get along. get around 1. To circumvent or evade: managed to get around the rules. 2. To deal with; overcome: got around the problem. 3. To convince or win over by flattering or cajoling. 4. To travel from place to place: It is hard to get around without a car. 5. To become known; circulate: Word got around. 6. To have numerous sexual partners; be promiscuous. get at 1. To touch or reach successfully: The cat hid where we couldn't get at it. 2. To try to make understandable; hint at or suggest: I don't know what you're getting at. 3. To discover or understand: tried to get at the cause of the problem. 4. Informal To bribe or influence by improper or illegal means: He got at the judge, and the charges were dismissed. get away 1. To break free; escape. 2. To leave or go away: wanted to come along, but couldn't get away. get back To return to a person, place, or condition: Let's get back to the subject at hand. get by 1. To succeed at a level of minimal acceptability or with the minimal amount of effort: just got by in college. 2. To succeed in managing; survive: We'll get by if we economize. 3. To be unnoticed or ignored by: The mistake got by the editor, but the proofreader caught it. get down 1. To descend. 2. To give one's attention. Often used with to: Let's get down to work. 3. To exhaust, discourage, or depress: The heat was getting me down. 4. To swallow: got the pill down on the first try. 5. To describe in writing: If I could just get down how I feel! 6. Informal To lose one's inhibitions; enjoy oneself wholeheartedly. get in 1. To enter: got in the garage. 2. To arrive: We got in late last night. 3. To become or cause to become involved: She got in with the wrong crowd. Repeated loans from the finance company got me deeper in debt. 4. To become accepted, as in a club. 5. To succeed in making or doing: got in six deliveries before noon. get into 1. To become involved in: got into trouble by stealing cars. 2. Informal To be interested in: got into gourmet cooking. 3. To affect, especially negatively: What's gotten into you lately? get off 1. To start, as on a trip; leave. 2. To fire (a round of ammunition, for example): got off two shots before the deer disappeared. 3. To write and send, as a letter. 4. To escape, as from punishment or danger: got off scot-free. 5. To obtain a release or lesser penalty for: The attorney got her client off with a slap on the wrist. 6. To get permission to leave one's workplace: got off early and went fishing. 7. Informal To act or speak with effrontery: Where does he get off telling me to hurry up? 8. Slang a. To have an orgasm. b. To feel great pleasure or gratification: gets off on gossiping about coworkers. c. To experience euphoria, for example, as a result of taking a drug. get on 1. To be or continue on harmonious terms: gets on well with the neighbors. 2. To manage or fare: How are you getting on? 3. To make progress; continue: get on with a performance. 4. To grow old: The CEO is getting on and will retire soon. 5. To acquire understanding or knowledge: got on to the con game. get out 1. To leave or escape: Our canary got out. 2. To become known: Somehow the secret got out. 3. To publish, as a newspaper. get over 1. To get across: got over the ditch. 2. To recover from: finally got over the divorce. get through 1. To finish or assist in finishing: The rat got through the maze. His mother got him through the college application process. 2. To succeed in making contact: telephoned but couldn't get through. 3. To make oneself understood: What do I need to do to get through to you? get to 1. To begin. Used with the present participle: got to reminiscing. 2. To start to deal with: didn't get to the housework until Sunday. 3. To influence or affect, especially adversely: The noise really gets to me. get together 1. To bring together; gather: getting the author's correspondence together. 2. To come together: We got together for lunch. 3. To arrive at an agreement: The feuding parties finally got together. get up 1. To arise from bed or rise to one's feet: She got up and opened the door. 2. To climb: How long will it take to get up the mountain? 3. To act as the creator or organizer of: got up a petition against rezoning. 4. To dress or adorn: She got herself up in a bizarre outfit. 5. To find within oneself; summon: got up the nerve to quit. Idioms: get around to To find the time or occasion for; deal with: We finally got around to unpacking our knickknacks. get away with To escape the consequences of (a blameworthy act, for example): got away with cheating. get back at To take revenge on. get cracking To begin to work; get started. get even To obtain revenge. get even with To repay with an equivalent act, as for revenge. get going To make a beginning; get started. get hold (or ahold) of1. To bring into one's grasp, possession, or control. 2. To communicate with, especially by telephone. get it Informal To be punished or scolded: You broke the vase. Now you're really going to get it! get it on Slang 1. To become filled with energy or excitement. 2. To engage in sexual intercourse. get it up Vulgar Slang To have an erection. get nowhere To make no progress. get (one's) Informal To receive one's due punishment: After sassing his parents, he really got his. get on the stick To begin to work. get on with To continue or resume doing (something); make progress regarding: We must get on with the project. get out of To gain release from the obligation of: She tried to get out of taking her brother to the mall. He couldn't get out of his date on Saturday. get (someone's) goat To make angry or vexed. get somewhere Informal To make progress. get there Informal To make progress or achieve success: I'm not finished, but I'm getting there. get wind of To learn of: got wind of the scheme.
[Middle English geten, from Old Norse geta; see ghend- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.]
get′a·ble, get′ta·ble adj. Usage Note: The use of get in the passive, as in We got sunburned at the beach, is generally avoided in formal writing. In less formal contexts, however, the construction can provide a useful difference in tone or emphasis, as between the sentences The demonstrators were arrested and The demonstrators got arrested. The first example implies that the responsibility for the arrests rests primarily with the police, while the example using get implies that the demonstrators deliberately provoked the arrests. · In colloquial use and in numerous nonstandard varieties of American English, the past tense form got has the meaning of the present. This arose probably by dropping the helping verb have from the past perfects have got, has got. We've got to go, we've got a lot of problems became We got to go, we got a lot of problems. The reanalysis of got as a present-tense form has led to the creation of a third-person singular gots in some varieties of English.

get 2

G0108400 (gĕt)n. pl. git·tin (gē-tēn′, gĭt′ĭn) 1. A document presented by a husband to his wife whereby a divorce is effected between them according to Jewish religious law.2. A divorce effected by a get.
[Mishnaic Hebrew gēṭ, from Aramaic, from Akkadian giṭṭu, long clay tablet, receipt, document, from Sumerian gíd.da, long.]
Verb1.get going - begin or set in motion; "I start at eight in the morning"; "Ready, set, go!"start, gocome on, go on, come up - start running, functioning, or operating; "the lights went on"; "the computer came up"get off the ground, take off - get started or set in motion, used figuratively; "the project took a long time to get off the ground"2.get going - start to be active; "Get cracking, please!"bestir oneself, get cracking, get moving, get rolling, get started, get weavingbegin, commence, set out, start, start out, set about, get down, get - take the first step or steps in carrying out an action; "We began working at dawn"; "Who will start?"; "Get working as soon as the sun rises!"; "The first tourists began to arrive in Cambodia"; "He began early in the day"; "Let's get down to work now"


(gəu) 3rd person singular present tense goes: past tense went (went) : past participle gone (gon) verb1. to walk, travel, move etc. He is going across the field; Go straight ahead; When did he go out? 走,旅行,移動 走,旅行,走动 2. to be sent, passed on etc. Complaints have to go through the proper channels. 傳遞 传递3. to be given, sold etc. The prize goes to John Smith; The table went for $100. 給予,售出 给予,卖 4. to lead to. Where does this road go? 通向 通向5. to visit, to attend. He goes to school every day; I decided not to go to the movie.6. to be destroyed etc. This wall will have to go. 被銷毀 被毁坏7. to proceed, be done. The meeting went very well. 進行 进行8. to move away. I think it is time you were going. 離開 离开9. to disappear. My purse has gone! 消失 消失10. to do (some action or activity). I'm going for a walk; I'm going hiking next week-end. 從事(某活動) 打算11. to fail etc. I think the clutch on this car has gone. 故障 失效12. to be working etc. I don't think that clock is going. 運轉 运转13. to become. These apples have gone bad. 變為 变为14. to be. Many people in the world regularly go hungry. 處於...的狀態 处于...的状态15. to be put. Spoons go in that drawer. 被放置 被放置16. to pass. Time goes quickly when you are enjoying yourself. 消逝 消逝17. to be used. All her pocket-money goes on sweets. 用於 花费18. to be acceptable etc. Anything goes in this office. 可被接受 可被接受19. to make a particular noise. Dogs go woof, not miaow. 發出聲音 发出声音20. to have a particular tune etc. How does that song go? 有特定曲調 有特定曲调21. to become successful etc. She always makes a party go. 成功 成功 nounplural goes1. an attempt. I'm not sure how to do it, but I'll have a go. 嘗試 试一下2. energy. She's full of go. 精力 精力ˈgoing noun1. an act of leaving, moving away etc. the comings and goings of the people in the street. 離去 离去2. the conditions under which something is done. Walking was heavy going because of all the mud. 狀況 工作条件 adjective1. successful. That shop is still a going concern. 成功的 营业发达的2. in existence at present. the going rate for typing manuscripts. 當前的 现行的ˈgo-ahead adjective successful and progressive. His firm is very go-ahead. 有進展的 取得进展 noun permission. We'll start as soon as we get the go-ahead. 批准,許可 准许ˌgo-ˈgetter noun a person with a great deal of energy, ability etc who gets what he wants. 積極進取的人 积极进取者ˌgoing-ˈover noun a study or examination. He gave the accounts a thorough going-over. 審查 审查ˌgoings-ˈon noun plural (usually strange) happenings or behaviour. (常指奇怪的)事情,行為 发生的事情,行为 ˌno-ˈgo adjective (of a district etc) which a person etc is not allowed to enter. a no-go area. (地區等)禁止進入的 不准进入的all go adjective very busy. It's all go in this office today. 非常忙碌 非常忙碌be going on (for) to be near or close to (a time, age etc). He must be going on (for) eighty. 接近 接近be going strong to be successful, healthy etc. Our business/grandfather is still going strong. 生意興隆,老當益壯 兴旺,精力充沛 from the word go from the very beginning. 從一開始 从一开始get going to get started. If you want to finish that job you'd better get going. 開始進行 开始工作give the go-by to ignore in an unfriendly way. I think we'll give all his stupid suggestions the go-by. 不理睬 对...不理睬go about1. to (begin to) work at. I don't know the best way to go about the job! 著手進行 着手于2. (of a ship) to change direction or turn around. (船)掉頭 掉转船头go after1. to try to win. He's going after that prize. 試圖贏得 追求2. to follow or chase. Go after him and apologize. 緊跟(追)在後 跟在后面go against1. to oppose or refuse to act on. A child should never go against his parents' wishes. 反對 反对2. to be unacceptable to. This goes against my conscience. 違背 违背go along1. to go. I think I'll go along to that meeting.2. to proceed or progress. Check your work as you go along. 前進,有進展 前进go along with to agree with. I'm afraid I can't go along with you on that. 贊同 赞同go around (of stories, rumours etc) to be passed from one person to another. There's a rumour going around that you are leaving. 流傳,散播 流传go around with to be friendly with. I don't like the group of friends you're going around with. 與某人友好 与某人友好go at1. to attack. The little boys went at each other with their fists. 進攻 进攻2. to do with enthusiasm. He really went at the job of painting the wall. 積極從事 积极从事go back to return to an earlier time, topic of conversation etc. Let's go back for a minute to what we were talking about earlier. 回顧 回顾go back on to fail to do (something one has promised to do). I never go back on my promises. 違背 违背go by1. to base an opinion on. We can't go by what he says. 根據 以...为根据2. to be guided by. I always go by the instructions. 遵照 遵照go down1. (with well/badly) to be approved or disapproved of. The story went down well (with them). (不)被認同 赞赏或不赞赏2. (of a ship) to sink. They were lost at sea when the ship went down. 沉沒 沉没3. (of the sun or moon) to go below the horizon. (太陽、月亮)西下 (太阳、月亮)落下 4. to be remembered. Your bravery will go down in history. 受人緬懷 被载入,被记下 5. (of places) to become less desirable. This part of town has gone down in the last twenty years. (地方)衰落,凋蔽 变得不吸引人go far to be successful. If you keep on working as hard as this, I'm sure you'll go far. 成功 成功go for to attack physically or in words. The two dogs went for each other as soon as they met. 人身或言語攻擊 攻击go in (of the sun or moon) to become covered by cloud. 被雲遮蔽 被云遮掩go in for1. to take part in. I'm not going in for the 1,000 metres race. 參加 参加2. to do (something) as a hobby, career etc. My son is going in for medicine; She goes in for collecting postcards. 愛好 爱好go into1. to make a careful study of (something). We'll need to go into this plan in detail. 深入研究 深入研究2. to discuss in detail. I don't want to go into the problems at the moment. 詳細討論 详细讨论go off1. (of a bomb etc) to explode. The little boy was injured when the firework went off in his hand. 爆炸 爆炸2. (of an alarm) to ring. When the alarm went off the thieves ran away. (警鈴)響 (警铃)响 3. to leave. He went off yesterday. 離去 离去4. to begin to dislike. I've gone off cigarettes. 開始厭惡 开始厌恶5. to become rotten. That meat has gone off. 腐壞 变坏6. to stop working. The fan has gone off. 故障 出毛病go on1. to continue. Go on reading – I won't disturb you. 繼續 继续下去2. to talk a great deal, usually too much. She goes on and on about her health. 嘮叨 唠叨3. to happen. What is going on here? 發生 发生4. to base one's investigations etc on. The police had very few clues to go on in their search for the murderer. 作為根據繼續調查 依据go on at to nag at. Her mother went on at her for coming home late after the dance. 嘮叨抱怨 唠叨责骂go out1. to become extinguished. The light has gone out. 熄滅 熄灭2. to go to parties, concerts, meetings etc. We don't go out as much as we did when we were younger. 外出社交應酬 参加社交活动3. to be frequently in the company of (a person, usually of the opposite sex). I've been going out with her for months. (與異性)交往 (与异性)交往 go over1. to study or examine carefully. I want to go over the work you have done before you do any more. 仔細檢查 仔细检查2. to repeat (a story etc). I'll go over the whole lesson again. 重覆 重复一遍3. to list. He went over all her faults. 列舉 列举4. (of plays, behaviour etc) to be received (well or badly). The play didn't go over at all well the first night. (戲劇演出、行為)被接受的程度(高或低) 受欢迎go round to be enough for everyone. Is there enough food to go round? 足夠分配 足够分配go slow (of workers in a factory etc) to work less quickly than usual, eg as a form of protest. 怠工 怠工go steady to have a close friendly relationship with someone of the opposite sex. My girl-friend and I have been going steady for a year. 當情侶 成为关系相当确定的情侣go through1. to search in. I've gone through all my pockets but I still can't find my key. 仔細檢查 仔细检查2. to suffer. You have no idea what I went through to get this finished in time. 經歷 经历3. to use up. We went through a lot of money on holiday. 用光 用光(钱等) 4. to complete. to go through certain formalities. 完成 做完(工作等) 5. to be completed. After long hours of negotiations, the deal went through. 被完成 被通过go through with to finish doing. I will go through with this in spite of what you say. 完成 完成go too far to do something which is so bad as to be unacceptable. 做得過火 做得过火go towards to help to buy etc. The money we collect will go towards a new roof. 協助購買 帮助购买go up1. to increase in size, value etc. The temperature/price has gone up. 增加 上升2. to be built. There are office blocks going up all over town. 被建蓋 被建造起来go up in smoke/flames to catch fire; to be destroyed or damaged by fire etc. The building across the street went up in flames. 著火,被燒毀 被烧毁go with1. to be sold with, be part of etc. The carpets will go with the house. 與...一起賣 与...一起卖2. to look etc well with. The carpet goes with the wallpaper. 與...相配 与...相配go without to manage without. If you can't afford a new dress, you'll have to go without (one). 沒有也無妨,沒有也得接受 没有 ... 也行keep going to continue doing what one is doing; to survive. The snow was falling heavily, but we had to keep going; Business is bad at the moment, but we'll manage to keep going. 繼續 继续从事make a go (of something) to make a success (of something). He has never owned a shop before, but I think he'll make a go of it. 成功做到 成功on the go very busy or active. He's always on the go, from morning to night. 非常忙碌,非常積極 非常忙

get going

get going

1. To depart. I better get going so I don't miss the train. Come on, kids, let's get going—the party starts in 20 minutes. Get going or you'll be late!2. To cause someone to start enthusiastically discussing some topic. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "get" and "going." Don't get Grandpa going about the weather unless you want to hear about the Farmers' Almanac all night.3. To start taking some action. We need to get going if we want to get this house cleaned up before your mother gets here.See also: get, going

get someone going

to get someone excited; to get someone talking excitedly. I guess I really got him going on the subject of politics. The whole business really makes me mad. Don't get me going.See also: get, going

get going

 1. to start moving. Let's get going! We can't stand here all day. 2. to depart. What time should we get going in the morning?See also: get, going

get going

1. See get a move on. 2. get something going. Start something, get something into full swing. For example, Once we get production going we'll have no more problems. This usage also appears in when the going gets tough, the tough get going, meaning that difficulties spur on capable individuals; the first tough here means "difficult," whereas the second means "strong-minded, resolute." For example, That problem won't stop Tom; when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Also see swing into action. 3. Make someone talkative or active, as in Once he got her going on her grandchildren, there was no stopping her. [Colloquial; late 1800s] See also: get, going

get someone going

tv. to get someone excited; to get someone talking excitedly. The whole business really makes me mad. Don’t get me going. See also: get, going, someone

get going

  • verb

Synonyms for get going

verb begin or set in motion


  • start
  • go

Related Words

  • come on
  • go on
  • come up
  • get off the ground
  • take off

verb start to be active


  • bestir oneself
  • get cracking
  • get moving
  • get rolling
  • get started
  • get weaving

Related Words

  • begin
  • commence
  • set out
  • start
  • start out
  • set about
  • get down
  • get




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