Gladkov, Aleksandr Konstantinovich

Gladkov, Aleksandr Konstantinovich


Born March 17 (30), 1912, in Murom. Soviet Russian dramatist, first published in 1929.

Gladkov is the author of the heroic comedy in verse In Bygone Days (original title, The Disciples of Glory, 1941; film version, Ballad of the Hussars, 1962), which has been translated into a number of languages. The play deals with the period of the Patriotic War of 1812. Gladkov’s plays, such as The Immortal One (1942; coauthor, A. Arbuzov), New Year’s Eve (1945), Until We Meet Again (1956), The First Symphony (1957), and The Evening Sky (1959), are devoted mainly to themes of youth and the romance of the act of heroism. Gladkov also wrote the filmscripts Paper Flowers(1961; N. Otten, coauthor) and legudiil Khlamida (1969), as well as articles on the work of A. Platonov, V. Kin, and others.


Davnym-davno. Moscow, 1960.
“Meierkhol’d govorit.” Novyi mir, 1961, no. 8.
“Vospominaniia, zametki, zapisi o V. E. Meierkhol’de.” In the collection Tarusskie stranitsy. Kaluga, 1961.


Dubinskaia, A. “Davnym-davno.” In the collection Teatr. Moscow, 1944.
Maksimova, V. “Pitomtsy slavy.” Iskusstvo kino, 1962, no. 12.