Gladkii, Osip Mikhailovich

Gladkii, Osip Mikhailovich


Born circa 1789 in the village of Mel’niki, Poltava Province; died July 5 (17), 1886, in Aleksandrovsk (now Zaporozh’e). Koshevoi (commander) of the Transdanubian Sech’ (self-governing Ukrainian cossack organization) at the end of the 1820’s, originally of the Ukrainian cossacks of the Poltava region.

At the beginning of the Russo-Turkish war of 1828-29, Gladkii led a detachment of Zaporozh’e cossacks out of Turkish territory and placed them under Russian authority. He was designated ataman of the Azov Cossack Host.


Gladkii, V., “O. M. Gladkii: Koshevoi ataman Zadunaiskoi sechi 1789-1866.” Russkaia starina, Feb. 1881.