Gambrill State Park

Gambrill State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Maryland
Location:In Frederick County, 6 miles northwest of Frederick, off I-70.
Facilities:28 improved campsites (é), 4 camper cabins, picnic area and shelters(é), playground, restrooms, hiking and nature trails (13 miles), naturecenter (é), scenic overlooks.
Activities:Camping, freshwater fishing, hiking, mountain biking, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Park is located on Catoctin Mountain. Three native stone overlookslocated on the 1600-foot summit of High Knob, midway between theMason-Dixon Line and the Potomac River, afford excellent views of thesurrounding area.
Address:c/o Cunningham Falls State Park
14039 Catoctin Hollow Rd
Thurmont, MD 21702

Size: 1,137 acres.

See other parks in Maryland.