George, Pierre
George, Pierre
Born in 1909. French geographer. Professor at the University of Paris since 1948.
George’s major works are on theoretical geography and on some specialized branches of geography, particularly population geography and regional geography of France and its individual regions. He also dealt with the geography of other countries, in particular, of the USSR and the other European socialist countries. His works are based on Marxist methodology and exert a progressive influence on present-day French geography. He is one of the editors of the French geographic journal Annales de Géographic.
La Région du Bas-Rhône. Paris, 1936.Les Régions polaires. Paris, 1946.
Géographic de I’énergie. Paris, 1950.
La Ville: Lefait urbain a travers le monde. Paris, 1952.
La Campagne: Le fait rural à travers le monde. Paris, 1956.
Précis de géographic économique, 2nd ed. Paris, 1958.
Précis de géographic urbaine. Paris, 1961.
Géographic de I’URSS. Paris, 1963.
Géographic de la population. Paris, 1965.
Sociologie et géographic. Paris, 1966.
La France. Paris, 1967.
Géographic agricole du monde, 8th ed. Paris, 1968.
Géographic de I’Europe Centrale slave et danubienne, 2nd ed. Paris, 1968.
In Russian translation:
Frantsiia: Ekonomicheskaia i sotsiaVnaia geografiia. Moscow, 1951.
Sel’skaia mestnosf. Moscow, 1959.