George I Rákóczi
Rákóczi, George I
Born June 8, 1593, in Szerencs; died Oct. 11, 1648, in Gyulafehérvár. Prince of Transylvania from 1630.
Rákóczi continued the policies of Bethlen Gábor, whom he succeeded. In 1643, Rákóczi concluded an alliance with Sweden. He was active in the Thirty Years’ War of 1618–18. In February 1644, at the head of a 30,000-man army, he launched a campaign against the Hapsburgs. In the north of the Kingdom of Hungary, he was supported by the populace—particularly the peasants, who rose up in the struggle for national liberation. After occupying most of Slovakia, in 1645 he joined with Swedish troops in laying siege to Brno. In December 1645, in the city of Linz, he concluded a peace treaty with the Hungarian king Ferdinand III Hapsburg, consolidating the successful results of his campaigns. Rákóczi established friendly ties with B. Khmel’nitskii. He encouraged the development of the mining industry and commerce.