释义 |
fumarase (ˈfjuːməˌreɪs; ˈfjuːməˌreɪz) nan enzyme found in liver and muscle which acts as a catalyst in the inter-conversion of fumarate and malatefumarase
fumarase[′fyü·mə‚rās] (biochemistry) An enzyme that catalyzes the hydration of fumaric acid to malic acid, and the reverse dehydration. fumarase
fumarase [fu´mah-rās] an enzyme that catalyzes the interconversion of fumarate and malate.fu·ma·rate hy·dra·tase (fū'mă-rāt hī'dră-tās), [MIM*136850] An enzyme catalyzing the reversible interconversion of fumarate and water to malate, a reaction of importance in the tricarboxylic acid cycle. A deficiency will lead to mental retardation. Synonym(s): fumarase |