Acronym | Definition |
GN➣Genesis |
GN➣Grand National (Buick Regal) |
GN➣Guinea (country code, top level domain) |
GN➣Graphic Novel |
GN➣Gram-Negative (bacteria) |
GN➣Great Northern (former Danish telegraph company, now known as GN Store Nord A/S) |
GN➣Gendarmerie Nationale (French: National Police; Niger) |
GN➣Good Night |
GN➣Gastronorm |
GN➣Great Neck (Long Island, New York) |
GN➣Guide Number (photography) |
GN➣Glomerulonephritis |
GN➣Grammar Nazi |
GN➣Great Northern Railway |
GN➣Gonadotropin (hormone) |
GN➣Gnosis (game Werewolf the Apocalypse; White Wolf) |
GN➣Gross Negligence (law) |
GN➣Grand Nationals (NASCAR auto racing) |
GN➣GreenNet |
GN➣Galvaneal (steel) |
GN➣Guidance Note (instruction and advice) |
GN➣Gender Neutral |
GN➣Gary Numan (singer) |
GN➣Graduate Nurse |
GN➣General Notes |
GN➣Good Neighbors |
GN➣Government of Nunavut (Canada) |
GN➣Air Gabon (IATA airline code) |
GN➣Golgi Network |
GN➣Group Ad-Hoc Network |
GN➣German Navy |
GN➣Gaseous Nitrogen |
GN➣Grid North |
GN➣Ground Network |
GN➣Guantanamo to New York (routing designation) |
GN➣General Nurse |
GN➣Glenbard North (Illinois) |
GN➣Gastroenterology Nursing (journal) |
GN➣Génération Nouvelle (French: New Generation) |
GN➣Gundam Nucleus |
GN➣Grouping Network |
GN➣Gay Nerds (website and forum) |