George H. Crosby Manitou State Park

George H. Crosby Manitou State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Minnesota
Location:7 miles north of the village of Finland on Lake County Road 7.
Facilities:21 backpack campsites, vault toilets, picnic area, hiking trails (24 miles), boat launch.
Activities:Camping, lake and river fishing, boating (no motors), hiking, snowshoeing, wildlife viewing.
Special Features:This park is located along Benson Lake and Manitou River in anorth-country wilderness, where waterfalls cascade through a volcaniccanyon surrounded by forest, and where bears, wolves, moose, and deershare the trails with hikers. The trails are challenging but offer spectacular views.
Address:c/o Tettegouche State Park
5702 Hwy 61
Silver Bay, MN 55614

Size: 6,682 acres.

See other parks in Minnesota.