George Grote
Grote, George
Born Nov. 17, 1794, in the county of Kent; died June 18, 1871. in London. English historian of antiquity.
For its time, Grote’s main work, which was devoted to the history of ancient Greece from the earliest times to 301 B.C., was outstanding for its vividness and complete treatment of the subject. Grote was concerned primarily with political history. He excessively idealized Athenian democracy. Viewing early Greek history from a hypercritical position, Grote denied the authenticity of events up to the eighth century B.C. He modernized the history of ancient Greece.
History of Greece, 5th ed., vols. 1–10. London. 1888.Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, 2nd ed., vols. 1–3. London, 1867.
Aristotle, vols. 1–2. London, 1872.
Fragments on Ethical Subjects. London, 1876.
The Minor Works. London, 1873.
Buzeskul, V. P. Vvedenie v Istoriia Gretsii, 3rd ed. Petrograd, 1915. Pages 270–81.Vasil’evskii, V. G. “Vzgliad na istoriiu afinskoi demokratii.” Zhurinal Ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniia, 1867, part 134, pp. 87–145.