

单词 arl



(industrial engineering) acceptable reliability level


ASSET Reuse Library



ISO 4217 code for the Argentine peso ley. It was introduced in 1970, replacing the peso moneda nacional. It suffered from high inflation and was replaced by the peso argentino at a ratio of 10,000 to one in 1983.


ARLAssociation of Research Libraries
ARLArlington (Virginia, USA)
ARLArmy Research Laboratory (US Army)
ARLAustralian Rugby League
ARLAnimal Rescue League
ARLADP (Adenosine Diphosphate) Ribosylation Factor-Like
ARLAir Resources Laboratory
ARLAirport Rail Link (Thailand; public transport)
ARLApplied Research Laboratory
ARLArch Reinsurance Ltd. (Bermuda)
ARLAcronym Reference List
ARLArchived Redo Log
ARLAppliance Recovery Log
ARLAction Reflection Learning
ARLAuthority Revocation List
ARLAfrico Resources Ltd. (various locations)
ARLAverage Run Length
ARLAldose Reductase-Like (protein)
ARLAirborne Reconnaissance Low
ARLAIDS-Related Lymphoma
ARLAmerican Rights Litigators
ARLAttock Refinery Limited (Pakistan)
ARLAtelier de Raisonnement Logique (French: Logical Reasoning Workshop)
ARLAdjusted Ring Length
ARLAgence Régionale du Livre (French: Regional Agency of Books)
ARLAeronautical Research Laboratory (Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio)
ARLAccess Rights List (Sprint)
ARLAerospace Robotics Laboratory (Stanford University)
ARLAquatic Research Laboratory (Lake Superior State Universary, Sault Ste Marie, Michigan)
ARLAutomatic Resource Location (Thorcom Systems)
ARLAviation Research Laboratory
ARLAcceptable Reliability Level
ARLAdvanced Reference Library (Bible study; software)
ARLArctic Research Laboratory
ARLAin-Rhône-Loire (French regions)
ARLAcceptable Risk Level
ARLAgricultural Research Laboratory
ARLAdmiralty Research Laboratory (UK)
ARLAcceptable Residual Level
ARLAerial Reconnaissance Low
ARLRepair Ship, Small
ARLAddress Resolution Lookup
ARLAnti-Reflection Layer
ARLAquitaine Radio Live (French radio station)
ARLAbove Rail Level (railway clearance measurement)
ARLAttendant Release Loop
ARLArgentina Ley (national currency since1970; replaced by old Peso 1983)
ARLAlcoa Research Laboratory (New Kensington, PA)
ARLAverage Revenue Lagged
ARLAcceptable Reinvestment Level
ARLAcceptance Reliability Level
ARLAuthorized Retention Level
ARLAviator Readiness Level
ARLAuto Repuestos Linares (Guatemala)
ARLAustralian Reference Laboratory
ARLAgricultural Research Labs
ARLAnti-Riot Law




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