Acronym | Definition |
GBSA➣Gulf Bond and Sukuk Association (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) |
GBSA➣Graduate Business Student Association |
GBSA➣Grapevine Baseball Softball Association (Grapevine, TX) |
GBSA➣Greenwich Bay Sailing Association (East Greenwich, RI) |
GBSA➣Greater Baltimore Swim Association (Maryland) |
GBSA➣Grandview Baseball Softball Association (Ohio) |
GBSA➣Gay, Bisexual, Straight Alliance |
GBSA➣Gulf Breeze Sports Association (Florida, USA) |
GBSA➣Graphics-Based Supervisory Architecture |
GBSA➣Great Britain Soccer Association |
GBSA➣Generalized Born/Solvent-Accessible Surface |
GBSA➣Ghana Biochemistry Students' Association (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology) |
GBSA➣General Business Security Agreement |