Golts-miller, Ivan
Gol’ts-miller, Ivan Ivanovich
Born Nov. 27 (Dec. 9), 1842, in Joniŝkelis, in present-day Pasvalis Raion, Lithuanian SSR; died Aug. 5 (17), 1871, in Orel. Russian poet and revolutionary. Son of an official.
Gol’ts-Miller entered Moscow University in 1860. In 1861 he was arrested as a member of the revolutionary circle of P. G. Zaichnevskii. In prison he participated in the formulation of the manifesto Young Russia. Pursued by the police, he wandered throughout Russia. He was a poet of the Ne-krasov school. His poem Listen! (“Like treason, like the conscience of a tyrant . . .”) was set to music in the 1860’s by P. P. Sokal’skii and became a revolutionary song.
Poet-revoliutsioner I. I. Gol’ts-Miller. Compiled by B. Koz’min and G. Lelevich. Moscow, 1930.[Verses] in Poety 1860-kh gg. Leningrad. 1968.
Gavrilov, N. “Zabytyi revoltutsionnyi poet (I. I. Gol’ts-Miller).” Katorga i ssylka, 1929, no. 12.Lelevich. G. Poeziia revoliutsionnykh raznochintsev 60–80-kh gg. XIX v. Moscow-Leningrad, 1931.