Golovkinskii, Nikolai

Golovkinskii, Nikolai Alekseevich


Born Nov. 17 (29). 1834. in Kazan Province; died June 9 (21). 1897, in Alushta. Russian geologist.

In 1861. Golovkinskii graduated from the University of Kazan, becoming a professor of geology and paleontology there in 1868. Between 1871 and 1886 he was a professor of mineralogy, dean, and rector of Novorossiia University in Odessa. In his works devoted to the post-Tertiary formations of the Volga Region (1865) and to Permian formations (1869), he introduced for the first time in world geological literature, a clear conception of the oscillating movements of the earth’s crust and worked out a method for showing them in a cross section of sedimentary rocks. He established the dependence of strata formation on the movement of the shoreline, that is, on a change in facies conditions, and introduced the concept of the geological horizon.


Sokratov, G. I. “Iz istorii russkoi geologii vtoroi poloviny 19 v. (k 50-letiiu so dnia smerti N. A. Golovkinskogo i 80-letiiu ego teorii).” Zapiski Leningradskogo gornogo in-ta, 1949, vols. 15–16.