Acronym | Definition |
GbE➣Gigabit Ethernet (IEEE 802.3z-1998) |
GbE➣Gesundheitsberichterstattung des Bundes (German: Federal Health Monitoring System) |
GbE➣Glory Boyz Entertainment (record label) |
GbE➣Glycine Betaine (molecular solvent) |
GbE➣Governor of the Bank of England (UK) |
GbE➣Gigabit Ethernet |
GbE➣Global Business Environment |
GbE➣Government Business Enterprise (Australia) |
GbE➣Grand Banks Energy (Canada) |
GbE➣Green Building Engineer (certification) |
GbE➣Goldstone-boson-exchange |
GbE➣Ginkgo Biloba Extrakt |
GbE➣Global Business Executive |
GbE➣Grand Cross of the British Empire (Knight or Dame) |
GbE➣Global Betting Exchange (online sports betting exchange, Dublin, Ireland) |
GbE➣Groupes Bibliques d'Entreprises (French: Biblical Business Groups) |
GbE➣Géosciences Biologie Environnement (French: Environmental Biology Geosciences) |
GbE➣Gaborone, Botswana - Gaborone (Airport Code) |
GbE➣Ground Based Element (Army National Missile Defense) |