Goodricke, John
Goodricke, John
Born 1764; died Apr. 20, 1786. British astronomer. Member of the Royal Society of London.
Goodricke was a deaf-mute from birth. At the age of 18 he carried out (with the British astronomer E. Pigott) a systematic search for and observation of variable stars. In 1782 he advanced a correct hypothesis on the true nature of the variability of Algol (β Persei), and in 1784 he discovered several variable stars, including δ Cephei, which subsequently proved to be the progenitor of an important class of physically variable stars, the cepheids.
Berry, A. Kratkaia istoriia astronomii, 2nd ed. Moscow-Leningrad, 1946.Pannekoek, A. Istoriia astronomii. Moscow, 1966.
Seleshnikov, S. I. Astronomiia i kosmonavtika. Kiev, 1967.