

单词 freeze



to chill, congeal, or become ice: freeze the leftovers
Not to be confused with:frees – allows; lets loose: He frees the animal from the trap.frieze – an ornamental strip: The frieze on the antique chair was beautiful.


F0314100 (frēz)v. froze (frōz), fro·zen (frō′zən), freez·ing, freez·es v.intr.1. a. To pass from the liquid to the solid state by loss of heat.b. To acquire a surface or coat of ice from cold: The lake froze over in January. Bridges freeze before the adjacent roads.2. To become clogged or jammed because of the formation of ice: The pipes froze in the basement.3. To be at that degree of temperature at which ice forms: It may freeze tonight.4. To be killed or harmed by cold or frost: They almost froze to death. Mulch keeps garden plants from freezing.5. To be or feel uncomfortably cold: Aren't you freezing without a coat?6. a. To become fixed, stuck, or attached by or as if by frost: The lock froze up with rust.b. To stop functioning properly, usually temporarily: My computer screen froze when I opened the infected program.7. a. To become motionless or immobile, as from surprise or attentiveness: I heard a sound and froze in my tracks.b. To become unable to act or speak, as from fear: froze in front of the audience.8. To become rigid and inflexible; solidify: an opinion that froze into dogma.v.tr.1. a. To convert into ice.b. To cause ice to form upon.c. To cause to congeal or stiffen from extreme cold: winter cold that froze the ground.2. To preserve (foods, for example) by subjecting to freezing temperatures.3. To damage, kill, or make inoperative by cold or by the formation of ice.4. To make very cold; chill.5. To immobilize, as with fear or shock.6. To chill with an icy or formal manner: froze me with one look.7. To stop the motion or progress of: The negotiations were frozen by the refusal of either side to compromise; froze the video in order to discuss the composition of the frame.8. a. To fix (prices or wages, for example) at a given or current level.b. To prohibit further manufacture or use of.c. To prevent or restrict the exchange, withdrawal, liquidation, or granting of by governmental action: freeze investment loans during a depression; froze foreign assets held by US banks.9. To anesthetize by chilling.10. Sports To keep possession of (a ball or puck) so as to deny an opponent the opportunity to score.n.1. a. The act of freezing.b. The state of being frozen.2. A spell of cold weather; a frost.3. A restriction that forbids a quantity from rising above a given or current level: a freeze on city jobs; a proposed freeze on the production of nuclear weapons.Phrasal Verb: freeze out To shut out or exclude, as by cold or unfriendly treatment: The others tried to freeze me out of the conversation.Idiom: freeze (someone's) blood To affect with terror or dread; horrify: a scream that froze my blood.
[Middle English fresen, from Old English frēosan; see preus- in Indo-European roots.]
freez′a·ble adj.Word History: Describing the landscape of Hell in Book II of Paradise Lost, Milton depicts "a frozen Continent ... beat with perpetual storms ... the parching Air Burns frore, and cold performs th' effect of Fire." It is evident from these lines that frore has some relationship to frozen, but what exactly is it? The Modern English paradigm for the verb freeze is freeze, froze, frozen, with a z throughout. However, in Old English, the principal parts were frēosan, frēas, froren. The r in the past participle froren is from a prehistoric s that became r by Verner's Law, a sound shift that changed s in certain positions into r. (The effects of Verner's Law can also be seen in such Modern English pairs as was and were, and lose and (love-)lorn.) During the Middle English period, a new past participle frosen was created using the s from the first two principal parts; this survives as frozen nowadays. The older participle, spelled froren or frore in Middle English, lived on as a poetic word for "cold," but well before Milton's day it had become archaic in the standard language.


(friːz) vb, freezes, freezing, froze (frəʊz) or frozen (ˈfrəʊzən) 1. to change (a liquid) into a solid as a result of a reduction in temperature, or (of a liquid) to solidify in this way, esp to convert or be converted into ice2. (when: intr, sometimes foll by over or up) to cover, clog, or harden with ice, or become so covered, clogged, or hardened: the lake froze over last week. 3. to fix fast or become fixed (to something) because of the action of frost4. (tr) to preserve (food) by subjection to extreme cold, as in a freezer5. to feel or cause to feel the sensation or effects of extreme cold6. to die or cause to die of frost or extreme cold7. to become or cause to become paralysed, fixed, or motionless, esp through fear, shock, etc: he froze in his tracks. 8. (Film) (tr) to cause (moving film) to stop at a particular frame9. to decrease or cause to decrease in animation or vigour10. to make or become formal, haughty, etc, in manner11. (Economics) (tr) to fix (prices, incomes, etc) at a particular level, usually by government direction12. (Banking & Finance) (tr) to forbid by law the exchange, liquidation, or collection of (loans, assets, etc)13. (Commerce) (tr) to prohibit the manufacture, sale, or use of (something specified)14. (tr) to stop (a process) at a particular stage of development15. (Medicine) (tr) informal to render (tissue or a part of the body) insensitive, as by the application or injection of a local anaesthetic16. informal chiefly (foll by: onto) US to clingn17. the act of freezing or state of being frozen18. (Physical Geography) meteorol a spell of temperatures below freezing point, usually over a wide area19. (Economics) the fixing of incomes, prices, etc, by legislation20. another word for frostsentence substitutechiefly US a command to stop still instantly or risk being shot[Old English frēosan; related to Old Norse frjōsa, Old High German friosan, Latin prūrīre to itch; see frost] ˈfreezable adj



v. froze, fro•zen, freez•ing,
n. v.i. 1. to become hardened into ice or into a solid body; change from the liquid to the solid state by loss of heat. 2. to become hard or stiffened because of loss of heat. 3. to suffer the effects or sensation of intense cold: We froze until the heat came on. 4. to be of the degree of cold at which water freezes: It may freeze tonight. 5. to lose warmth of feeling: My heart froze at the news. 6. to become speechless or immobilized. 7. to stop suddenly and remain motionless: I froze in my tracks. 8. to become obstructed by the formation of ice: The water pipes froze. 9. to die or be injured because of frost or cold. 10. to become fixed to something by or as if by the action of frost. 11. to become unfriendly, secretive, or aloof (often fol. by up). 12. to become temporarily inoperable; cease to function (often fol. by up): The new software makes my computer freeze. v.t. 13. to change from a fluid to a solid form by loss of heat; congeal. 14. to form ice on the surface of. 15. to harden or stiffen (an object containing moisture) by cold. 16. to quick-freeze. 17. to subject to freezing temperature. 18. to cause to suffer the effects of intense cold. 19. to chill with fear. 20. to immobilize with fright or alarm. 21. to kill by frost or cold: A late snow froze the buds. 22. to fix fast with ice: a sled frozen to a sidewalk. 23. to obstruct or close by the formation of ice: Cold had frozen the pipes. 24. to fix (rents, prices, etc.) at a specific amount, usu. by government order. 25. to stop or limit production, use, or development of: an agreement to freeze nuclear weapons. 26. to prevent (assets) from being liquidated or collected. 27. to render (a part of the body) insensitive to pain or slower in its functioning by artificial means. 28. to discourage by unfriendly or aloof behavior. 29. to photograph (a moving subject) at a shutter speed fast enough to produce an unblurred, seemingly motionless image. 30. to stop by means of a freeze-frame mechanism. 31. to maintain possession of (a ball or puck) for as long as possible usu. without trying to score. 32. freeze out, to exclude or compel to withdraw from participation, esp. by cold treatment or severe competition. 33. freeze over, to become coated with ice. n. 34. an act or instance of freezing. 35. the state of being frozen. 36. a period of very cold weather. 37. a legislative action to control prices, rents, production, etc. 38. a decision by one or more nations to stop or limit production or development of weapons. [before 1000; Middle English fresen, Old English frēosan] freez′a•ble, adj.


(frēz) To change from a liquid to a solid state by cooling or being cooled to the freezing point.


Past participle: frozen
Gerund: freezing
I freeze
you freeze
he/she/it freezes
we freeze
you freeze
they freeze
I froze
you froze
he/she/it froze
we froze
you froze
they froze
Present Continuous
I am freezing
you are freezing
he/she/it is freezing
we are freezing
you are freezing
they are freezing
Present Perfect
I have frozen
you have frozen
he/she/it has frozen
we have frozen
you have frozen
they have frozen
Past Continuous
I was freezing
you were freezing
he/she/it was freezing
we were freezing
you were freezing
they were freezing
Past Perfect
I had frozen
you had frozen
he/she/it had frozen
we had frozen
you had frozen
they had frozen
I will freeze
you will freeze
he/she/it will freeze
we will freeze
you will freeze
they will freeze
Future Perfect
I will have frozen
you will have frozen
he/she/it will have frozen
we will have frozen
you will have frozen
they will have frozen
Future Continuous
I will be freezing
you will be freezing
he/she/it will be freezing
we will be freezing
you will be freezing
they will be freezing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been freezing
you have been freezing
he/she/it has been freezing
we have been freezing
you have been freezing
they have been freezing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been freezing
you will have been freezing
he/she/it will have been freezing
we will have been freezing
you will have been freezing
they will have been freezing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been freezing
you had been freezing
he/she/it had been freezing
we had been freezing
you had been freezing
they had been freezing
I would freeze
you would freeze
he/she/it would freeze
we would freeze
you would freeze
they would freeze
Past Conditional
I would have frozen
you would have frozen
he/she/it would have frozen
we would have frozen
you would have frozen
they would have frozen
Noun1.freeze - the withdrawal of heat to change something from a liquid to a solidfreeze - the withdrawal of heat to change something from a liquid to a solidfreezingchilling, cooling, temperature reduction - the process of becoming cooler; a falling temperaturefreeze-drying, lyophilisation, lyophilization - a method of drying food or blood plasma or pharmaceuticals or tissue without destroying their physical structure; material is frozen and then warmed in a vacuum so that the ice sublimesicing, frost - the formation of frost or ice on a surfacephase change, phase transition, physical change, state change - a change from one state (solid or liquid or gas) to another without a change in chemical composition
2.freeze - weather cold enough to cause freezingfrostcold weather - a period of unusually cold weather
3.freeze - an interruption or temporary suspension of progress or movement; "a halt in the arms race"; "a nuclear freeze"haltpause - temporary inactivity
4.freeze - fixing (of prices or wages etc) at a particular level; "a freeze on hiring"restriction, limitation - an act of limiting or restricting (as by regulation)hiring freeze - a freeze on hiringprice freeze - a freeze of prices at a given levelwage freeze - a freeze of wages at a given level
Verb1.freeze - stop moving or become immobilized; "When he saw the police car he froze"stop deadsettle on, fixate - become fixed (on); "Her eyes fixated on a point on the horizon"stand still - remain in place; hold still; remain fixed or immobile; "Traffic stood still when the funeral procession passed by"
2.freeze - change to ice; "The water in the bowl froze"change state, turn - undergo a transformation or a change of position or action; "We turned from Socialism to Capitalism"; "The people turned against the President when he stole the election"glaciate - become frozen and covered with glaciersfreeze down, freeze out, freeze - change from a liquid to a solid when cold; "Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit"boil - come to the boiling point and change from a liquid to vapor; "Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius"
3.freeze - be cold; "I could freeze to death in this office when the air conditioning is turned on"suffer - feel unwell or uncomfortable; "She is suffering from the hot weather"
4.freeze - cause to freeze; "Freeze the leftover food"alter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"deep freeze - store in a deep-freeze, as for conservation; "deep-freeze the food"ice - cause to become ice or icy; "an iced summer drink"flash-freeze, quick-freeze - freeze rapidly so as to preserve the natural juices and flavors; "quick-freeze the shrimp"
5.freeze - stop a process or a habit by imposing a freeze on it; "Suspend the aid to the war-torn country"suspendbreak, interrupt - terminate; "She interrupted her pregnancy"; "break a lucky streak"; "break the cycle of poverty"
6.freeze - be very cold, below the freezing point; "It is freezing in Kalamazoo"
7.freeze - change from a liquid to a solid when cold; "Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit"freeze down, freeze outnatural philosophy, physics - the science of matter and energy and their interactions; "his favorite subject was physics"freeze - change to ice; "The water in the bowl froze"solidify - become solid; "The metal solidified when it cooled"
8.freeze - prohibit the conversion or use of (assets); "Blocked funds"; "Freeze the assets of this hostile government"immobilise, immobilize, blockwithhold, keep back - hold back; refuse to hand over or share; "The father is withholding the allowance until the son cleans his room"unfreeze, unblock, release, free - make (assets) available; "release the holdings in the dictator's bank account"
9.freeze - anesthetize by coldsurgical operation, surgical procedure, surgical process, surgery, operation - a medical procedure involving an incision with instruments; performed to repair damage or arrest disease in a living body; "they will schedule the operation as soon as an operating room is available"; "he died while undergoing surgery"anaesthetise, anaesthetize, anesthetise, anesthetize, put under, put out - administer an anesthetic drug to; "The patient must be anesthetized before the operation"; "anesthetize the gum before extracting the teeth"
10.freeze - suddenly behave coldly and formally; "She froze when she saw her ex-husband"behave, act, do - behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself; "You should act like an adult"; "Don't behave like a fool"; "What makes her do this way?"; "The dog acts ferocious, but he is really afraid of people"


verb1. ice over or up, harden, stiffen, solidify, congeal, become solid, glaciate The ground froze solid.2. deep freeze, cool, ice, chill, refrigerate, put in the freezer You can freeze the soup at this point.3. chill, benumb The cold morning froze my fingers.4. stop, stop dead, stop suddenly, stop in your tracks She froze when the beam of the flashlight struck her.5. fix, hold, limit, hold up, peg Wages have been frozen and workers laid off.6. suspend, stop, shelve, curb, cut short, discontinue They have already frozen their aid programme.noun1. cold snap, frost, freeze-up The trees were damaged by a freeze in December.2. fix, hold, halt, suspension, standstill A wage freeze was imposed on all staff.freeze someone out exclude, leave out, force out, shut out, refuse, remove, reject, ignore, eliminate, rule out, get rid of, boycott, expel, put out, throw out, oust, keep out, drive out, pass over, eject, evict, ostracize, send to Coventry, give the cold-shoulder to He's freezing me out because he knows I'm no good.


(friːz) past tense froze (frəuz) : past participle frozen (ˈfrəuzn) verb1. to make into or become ice. It's so cold that the river has frozen over. 結冰 结冰2. (of weather) to be at or below freezing-point. If it freezes again tonight all my plants will die. 冰凍 冰冻3. to make or be very cold. If you had stayed out all night in the snow you might have frozen to death (= died of exposure to cold). 凍僵 冻僵4. to make (food) very cold in order to preserve it. You can freeze the rest of that food and eat it later. 冷凍 冷冻5. to make or become stiff, still or unable to move (with fear etc). She froze when she heard the strange noise. 愣住 愣住6. to fix prices, wages etc at a certain level. If the situation does not improve, wages will be frozen again. 凍結 冻结 noun a period of very cold weather when temperatures are below freezing-point. How long do you think the freeze will last? 嚴寒期 严寒期ˈfreezer noun a cabinet for keeping food at, or bringing it down to, a temperature below freezing-point. 冰箱 冰箱ˈfreezing adjective very cold. This room's freezing. 極冷的 极冷的ˈfrozen adjective 冰凍的 冰冻的ˈfreezing-point noun the temperature at which a liquid becomes solid. The freezing-point of water is 0 centigrade. 冰點 冰点freeze up to stop moving or functioning because of extreme cold. The car engine froze up. 凍結 冻结


冷冻zhCN, 冻结zhCN



1. n. the act of ignoring someone; the cold shoulder. Everybody seems to be giving me the freeze. 2. tv. to ignore someone; to give someone the cold shoulder. Don’t freeze me, gang! I use a mouth wash! 3. in. to hold perfectly still. (Also a command given by a police officer that implies there is a gun pointed at a suspect.) The fuzz shouted, “Freeze, or you’re dead meat!”
  • a freeze on (something)
  • be the day hell freezes over
  • cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey
  • freeze
  • freeze (on)to (something)
  • freeze (one's) tail off
  • freeze (one's) wages
  • freeze (someone or something) in (someone's) memory
  • freeze (someone's) blood
  • freeze (something) into (something)
  • freeze blood
  • freeze in memory
  • freeze into
  • freeze on
  • freeze out
  • freeze over
  • freeze someone out
  • freeze tail off
  • freeze to
  • freeze to death
  • freeze up
  • freeze wages
  • freeze your blood
  • freezing cold
  • make one's blood run cold
  • make your blood run cold
  • once hell freezes over
  • play freeze out
  • play freeze-out
  • put the chill on
  • put the chill on someone
  • put the freeze on (someone or something)
  • put the freeze on someone
  • till hell freezes over
  • until hell freezes over
  • when hell freezes over



1. Meteorol a spell of temperatures below freezing point, usually over a wide area 2. the fixing of incomes, prices, etc., by legislation


[frēz] (engineering) To permit drilling tools, casing, drivepipe, or drill rods to become lodged in a borehole by reason of caving walls or impaction of sand, mud, or drill cuttings, to the extent that they cannot be pulled out. Also known as bind-seize. To burn in a bit. Also known as burn-in. The premature setting of cement, especially when cement slurry hardens before it can be ejected fully from pumps or drill rods during a borehole cementation operation. The act or process of drilling a borehole by utilizing a drill fluid chilled to minus 30-40°F, (minus 34-40°C) as a means of consolidating, by freezing, the borehole wall materials or core as the drill penetrates a water-saturated formation, such as sand or gravel. (physical chemistry) To solidify a liquid by removal of heat.


Terms used in referring to arrivals that have been assigned ACLTs (actual calculated landing time) and to the lists in which they are displayed. See also actual calculated landing time.


To lock an evolving software distribution or document againstchanges so it can be released with some hope of stability.Carries the strong implication that the item in question will"unfreeze" at some future date.

There are more specific constructions on this term. A"feature freeze", for example, locks out modificationsintended to introduce new features but still allows bugfixesand completion of existing features; a "code freeze" connotesno more changes at all. At Sun Microsystems and elsewhere,one may also hear references to "code slush" - that is, analmost-but-not-quite frozen state.



(frēz) 1. In health care economics, to limit expenditures to current levels.2. In health care economics, to block increases in reimbursement.

Patient discussion about freeze

Q. why my hands are getting purple and freezing? A. thank you, but these answers are not correct answers for my question

More discussions about freeze
FinancialSeeFreeze outAcronymsSeeFRZ


  • all
  • verb
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for freeze

verb ice over or up


  • ice over or up
  • harden
  • stiffen
  • solidify
  • congeal
  • become solid
  • glaciate

verb deep freeze


  • deep freeze
  • cool
  • ice
  • chill
  • refrigerate
  • put in the freezer

verb chill


  • chill
  • benumb

verb stop


  • stop
  • stop dead
  • stop suddenly
  • stop in your tracks

verb fix


  • fix
  • hold
  • limit
  • hold up
  • peg

verb suspend


  • suspend
  • stop
  • shelve
  • curb
  • cut short
  • discontinue

noun cold snap


  • cold snap
  • frost
  • freeze-up

noun fix


  • fix
  • hold
  • halt
  • suspension
  • standstill

phrase freeze someone out


  • exclude
  • leave out
  • force out
  • shut out
  • refuse
  • remove
  • reject
  • ignore
  • eliminate
  • rule out
  • get rid of
  • boycott
  • expel
  • put out
  • throw out
  • oust
  • keep out
  • drive out
  • pass over
  • eject
  • evict
  • ostracize
  • send to Coventry
  • give the cold-shoulder to

Synonyms for freeze

noun the withdrawal of heat to change something from a liquid to a solid


  • freezing

Related Words

  • chilling
  • cooling
  • temperature reduction
  • freeze-drying
  • lyophilisation
  • lyophilization
  • icing
  • frost
  • phase change
  • phase transition
  • physical change
  • state change

noun weather cold enough to cause freezing


  • frost

Related Words

  • cold weather

noun an interruption or temporary suspension of progress or movement


  • halt

Related Words

  • pause

noun fixing (of prices or wages etc) at a particular level

Related Words

  • restriction
  • limitation
  • hiring freeze
  • price freeze
  • wage freeze

verb stop moving or become immobilized


  • stop dead

Related Words

  • settle on
  • fixate
  • stand still

verb change to ice

Related Words

  • change state
  • turn
  • glaciate
  • freeze down
  • freeze out
  • freeze


  • boil

verb be cold

Related Words

  • suffer

verb cause to freeze

Related Words

  • alter
  • change
  • modify
  • deep freeze
  • ice
  • flash-freeze
  • quick-freeze

verb stop a process or a habit by imposing a freeze on it


  • suspend

Related Words

  • break
  • interrupt

verb change from a liquid to a solid when cold


  • freeze down
  • freeze out

Related Words

  • natural philosophy
  • physics
  • freeze
  • solidify

verb prohibit the conversion or use of (assets)


  • immobilise
  • immobilize
  • block

Related Words

  • withhold
  • keep back


  • unfreeze
  • unblock
  • release
  • free

verb anesthetize by cold

Related Words

  • surgical operation
  • surgical procedure
  • surgical process
  • surgery
  • operation
  • anaesthetise
  • anaesthetize
  • anesthetise
  • anesthetize
  • put under
  • put out

verb suddenly behave coldly and formally

Related Words

  • behave
  • act
  • do




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