gift of tongues

gift of tongues

n. The ability or phenomenon of spontaneous, ecstatic speech in no known language or in a language unknown to the speaker, considered as a charismatic gift in certain Christian denominations. Also called glossolalia, speaking in tongues.
[From the Apostles' speaking in tongues in Acts 2:4.]

gift of tongues

n (Ecclesiastical Terms) an utterance, partly or wholly unintelligible, believed by some to be produced under the influence of ecstatic religious emotion and conceived to be a manifestation of the Holy Ghost: practised in certain Christian churches, usually called Pentecostal. Also called: glossolalia

speak′ing in tongues′

n. a form of glossolalia in which a person experiencing religious ecstasy utters incomprehensible sounds believed to be of divine inspiration. Also called gift of tongues.