ascending pharyngeal artery

as·cend·ing pha·ryn·ge·al ar·ter·y

[TA] origin, external carotid; distribution, wall of pharynx, soft palate, palatine tonsil, and posterior cranial fossa. Synonym(s): arteria pharyngea ascendens [TA]

as·cend·ing pha·ryn·ge·al ar·te·ry

(ă-send'ing făr-in'jē-ăl ahr'tĕr-ē) [TA] Origin, external carotid; distribution, wall of pharynx and soft palate, posterior cranial fossa.
Synonym(s): arteria pharyngea ascendens [TA] .

ascending pharyngeal artery

The first or second branch of the external carotid artery; it runs along the pharynx, and it supplies blood to the pharynx, the soft palate, the prevertebral muscles, and the meninges. Its branches include the posterior meningeal and the inferior tympanic arteries. Synonym: pharyngeal arterySee also: artery