Acronym | Definition |
GBA➣Gross Building Area |
GBA➣Game Boy Advance (Nintendo 32-Bit Game Boy) |
GBA➣Gran Buenos Aires (Argentina) |
GBA➣Greater Bay Area (China) |
GBA➣Gender-Based Analysis |
GBA➣Green Building Advisor (Newtown, CT) |
GBA➣Government Benefit Administrators (various locations) |
GBA➣God Bless America |
GBA➣Alderney (International Auto Identification) |
GBA➣Game Boy Advance |
GBA➣Global Business Architecture |
GBA➣Gundam Battle Assault (video game) |
GBA➣Game Boy Action |
GBA➣Group Benefits Associate (human resources) |
GBA➣Green Building Alliance (Pittsburgh, PA) |
GBA➣Generic Bootstrapping Architecture |
GBA➣Guilty By Association (online Counter-Strike clan) |
GBA➣Gender Budget Analysis |
GBA➣Ghana Bar Association |
GBA➣Guilty by Association (Indian Harbor Beach, FL skateboard manufacturing company) |
GBA➣Girls Basketball Association (various locations) |
GBA➣Guam Board of Accountancy |
GBA➣Geocachers of the Bay Area (San Francisco Bay Area, California) |
GBA➣Golden Bell Award (California School Boards Association) |
GBA➣Greater Boston Academy |
GBA➣Global Business Analysis |
GBA➣Graph-Based Algorithm |
GBA➣Georgia Beekeepers Association |
GBA➣Glass Break Alarm |
GBA➣Greece Basketball Association |
GBA➣Generalized Born Approximation |
GBA➣Gaussian Beam Antenna |
GBA➣Gilroy Beekeepers Association |
GBA➣Ground Based Architecture |
GBA➣GreatBay Aquaculture, LLC ( Portsmouth, NH; est. 1995) |
GBA➣Génomique, Bio-Informatique et Application (French: Genomics, Bioinformatics and Application) |