

F0311900 (frē′ĭst)adj.Superlative of free.



adj. fre•er, fre•est, adj. 1. enjoying personal rights or liberty, as one who is not in slavery or confinement. 2. pertaining to or reserved for those who enjoy personal liberty: living on free soil. 3. existing under, characterized by, or possessing civil and political liberties: the free nations of the world. 4. enjoying political independence, as a people or country not under foreign rule. 5. exempt from external authority, interference, or restriction; independent: free choice. 6. able to do something at will: free to act. 7. clear of obstructions or obstacles: The highway is now free of fallen rock. 8. without engagements or obligations: free time. 9. not occupied or in use: The room is free now. 10. exempt or released; unburdened: free from worry; free of taxes. 11. provided without a charge: free parking. 12. not impeded: free movement. 13. loose; unattached: to get one's arm free. 14. lacking self-restraint; loose; licentious. 15. ready or generous in giving: free with one's advice. 16. lavish; unstinted: free spending. 17. frank and open; unconstrained. 18. unrestrained by decency: free behavior. 19. not subject to special regulations, restrictions, duties, etc.: free passage. 20. of, pertaining to, or characterized by free enterprise: a free economy. 21. open to all: a free port. 22. not literal; loose: a free translation. 23. not subject to rules or set forms: free improvisation. 24. uncombined chemically: free oxygen. 25. traveling under no force except gravity or inertia: free flight. 26. (of a vowel) situated in an open syllable (opposed to checked). 27. easily worked, as stone or land. 28. (of a variable in logic) not occurring within the scope of a quantifier. Compare bound 1 (def. 11). 29. (of a wind) blowing favorably nearly on the quarter. 30. not containing something specified (often used in combination): a sugar-free candy; a smoke-free environment. 31. (of a linguistic form) capable of being used by itself as an independent word without combination with other forms: Fire and run are free forms. Compare bound 1 (def. 10). adv. 32. in a free manner; freely. 33. away from the wind: a sailboat running free. v.t. 34. to set at liberty; release from bondage, imprisonment, or restraint. 35. to exempt or deliver (usu. fol. by from). 36. to relieve or rid (usu. fol. by of): to free oneself of responsibility. 37. to disengage; clear (usu. fol. by from or of). 38. free up, a. to release, as from restrictions. b. to disentangle. Idioms: 1. for free, without charge. 2. free and easy, a. casual; informal. b. inappropriately casual; presumptuous. 3. make free with, a. to use as one's own. b. to treat with too much familiarity; take liberties with. 4. set free, to release; liberate. [before 900; Middle English fre, Old English frēo; c. Old Frisian, Old Saxon, Old High German frī] free′ly, adv. free′ness, n. syn: See release.