Free Software Foundation
Free Software Foundation
(body)The GNU project has developed the GNU Emacs editor and a Ccompiler, gcc, replacements for many Unix utilities and manyother tools. A complete Unix-like operating system (HURD)is in the works (April 1994).
Software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, which also provides a good summary of theFoundation's goals and principles. The Free SoftwareFoundation raises most of its funds from distributing itssoftware, although it is a charity rather than a company.Although the software is freely available (e.g. by FTP - seebelow) users are encouraged to support the work of the FSF bypaying for their distribution service or by making donations.
One of the slogans of the FSF is "Help stamp out softwarehoarding!" This remains controversial because authors want toown, assign and sell the results of their labour. However,many hackers who disagree with RMS have neverthelesscooperated to produce large amounts of high-quality softwarefor free redistribution under the Free Software Foundation'simprimatur.
See copyleft, General Public Virus, GNU archive site.
Unofficial WWW pages: PDX, DeLorie.
Address: Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 MassachusettsAvenue, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
Telephone: +1 (617) 876 3296.