Acronym | Definition |
GMR➣GPS (Global Positioning System) Message Router |
GMR➣Giant Magnetoresistance |
GMR➣Global Monitoring Report (various organizations) |
GMR➣Giant Magnetoresistive |
GMR➣Giant Magneto Resistive |
GMR➣Geo Mobile Radio |
GMR➣Greater Mekong Region |
GMR➣Gulf Marketing Review (Mediaquest) |
GMR➣Ground Mobile Radio (Joint Tactical Radio System Cluster 1) |
GMR➣Great Manchester Run (UK) |
GMR➣Geometric Mean Ratio |
GMR➣Government Meal Rate (US DoD) |
GMR➣Great Movie Ride (Disney World Attraction) |
GMR➣Government Micro Resources |
GMR➣Groupe Mobile de Réserve (French: Mobile Reserve Group) |
GMR➣Greater Manchester Radio |
GMR➣Geo-Mobile Radio |
GMR➣General Marketing Research |
GMR➣Global Medical Relief |
GMR➣Green Mountain Rangers (airsoft unit) |
GMR➣Grandhi Mallikarjuna Rao (GMR Group, India) |
GMR➣Graduated Mobilization Response |
GMR➣Gallops, Murmurs, Rubs (medical care) |
GMR➣Green Mountain Railroad |
GMR➣Green Mountain Realty (Shell Knob, MO) |
GMR➣Global Mobility Roundtable (conference) |
GMR➣Generalized Minimum Residual |
GMR➣Ground Mapping Radar |
GMR➣Gentamicin Resistance |
GMR➣Geostationary Mobile Radio |
GMR➣Government and Media Relations (Washington) |
GMR➣Goldwasser, Micali and Rivest (one-time signature scheme; cryptography) |
GMR➣German Military Representative |
GMR➣Ground Mobile Radar |
GMR➣Ground Maintenance Response |
GMR➣Generic Mission Replay |
GMR➣Global Malnutrition Rate |
GMR➣Good Morning Richmond (morning TV program; Richmond, VA) |