acute promyelocytic leukaemia
acute promyelocytic leukaemia
A subtype of leukaemia that comprises 10% of AML, which has a poor prognosis in children. It is characterised by a retinoic acid receptor alpha translocation (RARA) (t(15;17) and PML-RARA gene rearrangement) and is uniquely responsive to all trans retinoic acid (ATRA), which drives the leukaemic cells to maturation.Clinical findings
Fatigue, weakness and dyspnea due to anaemia; bruisability and bleeding due to low platelets; fever, infections due to leukopaenia, DIC, and splenomegaly.
Induction with ATRA, followed by conventional chemotherapy, commonly an anthracycline plus cytarabine.
a·cute pro·my·e·lo·cyt·ic leu·ke·mi·a
(ă-kyūt' prō'mī-ĕ-lō-sit'ik lū-kē'mē-ă)Synonym(s): acute promyelocytic leukaemia.
a·cute pro·my·e·lo·cyt·ic leu·ke·mi·a
(ă-kyūt' prō'mī-ĕ-lō-sit'ik lū-kē'mē-ă)Synonym(s): acute promyelocytic leukaemia.