Gidroliznaia i Lesokhimicheskaia Promyshlennost
Gidroliznaia i Lesokhimicheskaia Promyshlennost’
(Hydrolytic and Wood Chemical Industry), ascientific-technical and production journal, organ of theMinistry of the Cellulose and Paper Industry of the USSR,the Main Directorate of the Microbiological Industry attached to the Council of Ministers of the USSR, and theScientific-Technical Society of the Paper and Wood-processing Industry. The magazine has been published inMoscow since 1948 (until 1955 it was called Gidroliznaiapromyshlennost’ SSSR [Hydrolytic Industry of the USSR]).It deals with problems of obtaining ethyl alcohol, fodderyeasts, furfural, carbon dioxide, and other products ofhydrolysis from nonedible raw materials; processing sulfite-cellulose and sulfate liquors; producing rosin, turpentine, charcoal, acetic acid and acetate solvents in the woodchemical industry; and obtaining turpentine by tapping trees.The magazine appears eight times a year and has a circulation(1971) of 3,250 copies.