Galimov, Saliam

Galimov, Saliam Galimovich


(pseudonym of G. Saliam). Born Jan. 5 (18), 1911, in the village of Tegeshevo, present-day Sosnovskii Raion, Cheliabinsk Oblast; died July 19, 1939, in Leningrad. Soviet Bashkir poet and publicist.

Galimov was the son of a mullah. After losing his father, he worked as a farmhand from the age of ten. He graduated from a pedagogical institute in 1937, and his first works were published in 1929. In his works Galimov showed the emergence of new human relationships and the flowering of the individual under socialism. Among his works are the collection Anxiety (1932) and the narrative poems Three Songs (1935), The Gyrfalcon (1936), The Morning of the Republic (1936), and The Child (1939). Galimov was the author of the antifascist poem Through the Years (1937). The Galimov Republic Komsomol Prize has been established in the Bashkir ASSR.


Haylanma äthärdhär. Ufa, 1962.
In Russian translation:
Izbrannaia lirika. Ufa, 1968.


Vakhitov, A. “G. Saliam.” In Istoriia bashkirskoi sovetskoi literatury: Ocherki, part 1. Ufa, 1963.
Äkhmätiänov, K. “G. Säläm.” In Bashqort sovet ädäbiäte tarikhe. Ufa, 1967.