

单词 galerius



(ɡəˈlɛərɪəs) n (Biography) full name Gaius Galerius Valerius Maximianus. ?250–311 ad, Eastern Roman Emperor (305–311): noted for his persecution of Christians



(Caius Galerius Valerius Maximinianus) (gəlēr`ēəs), d. 310, Roman emperor (305–10). DiocletianDiocletian
(Caius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus) , 245–313, Roman emperor (284–305), b. near Salona, Dalmatia (the modern Split, Croatia). Of humble birth, he obtained high military command under Probus and Aurelian and fought under Carus in Persia.
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 appointed him caesar for the eastern part of the empire in 293 (Constantius IConstantius I
(Constantius Chlorus) , c.250–306, Roman emperor (305–6). A career general, he gave up Helena to marry Theodora, the daughter of Maximian. He was made caesar (subemperor) under Maximian in 293 and gained prestige when his forces defeated the rebel
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 was caesar of the West). He had to conduct hard campaigns in Pannonia and Asia. Defeated by the Persians in 296, he retrieved his reputation by a resounding victory over them in 297. On the abdication of Diocletian and MaximianMaximian
(Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maximianus) , d. 310, Roman emperor, with Diocletian (286–305). An able commander, he was made caesar (subemperor) by Diocletian in 285 and augustus in 286.
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 in 305, he and Constantius succeeded as emperors. Galerius tried to increase his power, and after Constantius died in 306 he recognized SeverusSeverus
(Flavius Valerius Severus), d. 307, Roman emperor (306–7). He participated with Galerius in an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow Maxentius. Surrendering to Maximian (father of Maxentius) at Ravenna on the condition that his life be spared, Severus was taken to Rome.
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 (d.307) as coemperor in the West. Severus and he attempted without success to put down the claims of MaxentiusMaxentius
(Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maxentius) , d. 312, Roman emperor (306–12), son of Maximian. After Diocletian and Maximian had retired, the successor to Maximian, Constantius, died.
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. After they were defeated and Severus was captured, Galerius had Diocletian approve the appointment of Licinius as emperor of the West. Constantius' son Constantine (Constantine IConstantine I
or Constantine the Great
, 288?–337, Roman emperor, b. Naissus (present-day Niš, Serbia). He was the son of Constantius I and Helena and was named in full Flavius Valerius Constantinus.
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) and MaximinMaximin
(Galerius Valerius Maximinus), d. 313, Roman emperor (308–13); kinsman of Galerius. He is called Maximin Daia. He was made caesar in 305 and in 308 proclaimed himself augustus in opposition to Emperor Licinius.
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 (d.313) then both claimed power. Galerius died before the confusion was eliminated by the victory of Constantine. Galerius had prompted the persecution of Christians under Diocletian but issued (309) an edict of toleration shortly before his death.



(Gaius Galerius Valerius Maximianus). Born A.D. 242; died A.D. 311. Roman emperor beginning 293 (from 293 to 305 he was Caesar under Diocletian; from 305 to 311 he was Augustus of the eastern half of the empire). Galerius fought a war against Persia from 296 to 298. He was among the principal instigators of the persecution of Christians.





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